‘Maštots’ Armenian Sunday School

‘Maštots’ Armenian Sunday School

This school was founded in 2008.

It teaches Armenian and introduces students to Armenian culture and traditions. Since it is a Sunday school, lessons are held in a non-formal atmosphere. Textbooks and methodological materials are brought in from Armenia.

The students celebrate Armenian holidays and take part in community events (Trndez, Mothers Day, International Mother Tongue Day, the autumn and spring equinoxes, literary readings, Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, Caucuses days, music evenings and more).

Youngsters at the Tartu branch are actively involved in international youth projects.

The students have demonstrated outstanding knowledge of Armenian history and culture at the All-Armenian Language, History & Culture Olympiad. They have also attended the ‘Spyurk’ summer school in Armenia organised by the country’s Ministry of Diaspora.

The ‘Dvin’ vocal ensemble sing together as part of the school, led by Janna Shahbazyan, and have won prizes in a number of international competitions.