Dmitri Moskovtsev: A busy autumn at the Integration Foundation

Dmitri Moskovtsev

According to ancient folk wisdom, chicks must be counted in the autumn. Autumn has always been a busy time for the Integration Foundation, when several of the year’s projects reach their culmination, many new initiatives arise, and preparations begin for the new year. We have reason to be proud of many of our ‘chicks’ this autumn too.

  • Our Estonian Language Houses have brought their activities closer to language learners. In addition to the previous areas of operation, we also offer opportunities for language learning and communication language practice in the Lüganuse and Lääne-Harju rural municipalities.
  • We invited people interested in receiving an Estonian citizenship to participate in the Language Learning Contract programme, where we offer language learning at the B1 level and, in addition, courses on the knowledge of the Constitution and the Citizenship Act. The information campaign brought in more requests than expected, and we are planning to hold the mentioned courses in the new year.
  • We once again brought together internationally recognised researchers and experts in the field of integration to our annual conference, with whom we exchanged valuable knowledge and experiences in the study, prevention, and mitigation of segregation.
  • We developed relations with the Estonian diaspora abroad and invited Estonians from all over the world to discover their Estonia through our website
  • We brought the film Valik (Choice), made at the initiative of the Estonian Language House in Narva and with the participation of language learners, to the big screens. This is the first feature film made in Narva and by its residents.
  • At the end of November, we will offer the opportunity to test your knowledge about Estonian life in our traditional Citizen’s Day online quiz. This time, people who participate in our social life but do not yet speak Estonian fluently can also take part. They will be able to participate in the quiz in English or in Russian.
  • Our busy year will end with the recognition of outstanding people in the field of integration in December, where we will summarise this year’s activities and distribute integration awards.

While summing up the year, we are already planning for the next year and the year after. We are planning the details of projects and application rounds that support language learning and integration. We are also organising our service package and are definitely ready to offer plenty of new and exciting things to our target groups.