Language camp 2024 for young Estonians living abroad

Youngsters with Estonian roots who live abroad are invited to attend language and culture camp in Estonia. 

The language camp welcome young people aged 13-18 to learn Estonian together, interact with Estonian peers, and get to know Estonian culture better.

It is important that the young participants in the camp have an interest and motivation to learn Estonian and get acquainted with Estonian culture. The language camp provides organized and purposeful language learning opportunities for young people living outside Estonia, allowing them to interact with their Estonian peers in the camp environment, participate in age-appropriate activities, engage in sports and recreational activities, get to know Estonia and its culture, and participate in excursions.

Registration for participation in summer 2024 camps has closed.

Please note that registration does not guarantee a place in the camp, and the final confirmation of participation in the camp will be sent via email to both the parent and the young participant no later than May of the same year.

If there are more applicants than available camp places, priority will be given to those participants who have a meaningful motivational letter, who live far away from Estonia, and who have lived outside Estonia for their entire lives. Admission to the camp also depends on how many times the participant has already attended the camp.

Three camp sessions are planned, lasting 8 days. We expect young people to register according to their proficiency level in Estonian:

  • Camp 1 will be held from 1 - 8 July for youngsters whose Estonian skills are elementary.
  • ​​​​Camp 2 will be held from 15 - 22 July for youngsters whose Estonian skills are at intermediate level.
  • Camp 3 will be held from 29 July - 5 August for youngsters whose Estonian are at good and higher level.

A written agreement will be made with the parent of each camp participant just before the camp. Only a signed agreement guarantees a place for the selected young person in the Estonian language and culture camp. If a camp spot becomes available, it will be offered to the next young person on the reserve list.

We ensure an Estonian-speaking environment at the camp. The camp provide necessary facilities for group activities, sports, three meals a day, and accommodation. Living conditions meet all established requirements, including hygiene, catering, and accommodation conditions, fire safety, medical care, lifeguarding, staff, etc. During the camp, young people are provided with the opportunity to communicate with their parents or guardians.

The camp is free of charge; however, parents must ensure that the young person has valid health insurance in Estonia and covers the costs of traveling to Estonia and health insurance. Partial reimbursement of travel expenses is available based on need and upon application.

The organisation of the camp is financed by the Ministry of Education and Research, and Ministry of Culture.

In case of changes, participants will be informed as soon as possible.

For more information please contact:

Kaire Cocker
Head of Compatriots Service
Telephone: +372 53644172



Our goal is that Estonians returning to Estonia adapt smoothly to society and that compatriots living abroad remain closely connected with Estonia.