Where do I start?

Before launching into language studies, we recommend thinking about how much time you’re willing and able to dedicate to it and what you hope to achieve.

Below are a few questions which should help you get a few things clear.

  • Analyse your previous language-learning experiences. Did they prove useful? What were the good and bad sides?
  • Answer the following questions honestly. Did you do anything to learn the language outside of the classroom? Did you make use of the skills you learned on the course? If not, what stopped you?
  • Think about how much time you’re prepared to dedicate to your studies each day.
  • Set yourself a goal you want to reach as quickly as possible. Keep in mind that this goal should be achievable and quite specific (e.g. 6-10 new words and phrases a day).
  • Find out all the ways you can study the language for free and choose the one you think will suit you best.
  • If you’d like more information on which language-learning format will most effectively meet your needs, contact the Counselling Centre of the Integration Foundation.

Take into account that noticeable improvement takes time when you’re learning a language – it’s not something you can master in the blink of an eye. Specialists agree that it generally takes a minimum of 6-12 months of very hard work to see any substantial increase in fluency. Remember too that results are only achieved by those who continue to study the language outside of the classroom as well.