Estonians all over the world will be able to launch projects with the support of the state

As a result of the application round organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Integration Foundation, twenty-five self-initiated projects of global Estonian communities will receive funding. These projects will strengthen the ties of Estonians living abroad with Estonia, help contribute the preservation of the identity of Estonians living abroad, and increase awareness of the diaspora’s activities in Estonia.

‘In the application round, we supported activities that would increase the sense of belonging between local and global Estonian communities, such as global Estonian cultural, business, and scientific projects or various events. In addition, it was possible to apply for grants for initiatives aimed at raising awareness among the residents of Estonia about the activities of the diaspora,’ said Kaire Cocker, Head of the Compatriot Service of Integration Foundation. ‘In assigning grants, we prioritised activities aimed at young people and activities with their participation,’ Kaire Cocker added.

The budget of the application round was 64,779 euros in total. The maximum grant per application was 5,000 euros. Thirty-three projects were evaluated and twenty-five of them received grants. The supported projects will be carried out in at least eleven countries, from Finland to Australia.

‘For example, with the help of the grant allocated from the application round, we will continue to introduce the Estonian diaspora to the world through the documentary series Homing Beyond already known in the world and Estonia. The EV105 youth art exhibition will be organised in Belgium, a concert and anniversary reception will be held in honour of the 20th birthday of the Stockholm Estonian Mixed Choir, and the forum ‘Journey in Estonianship home and abroad’ will be held in Lithuania. Sõrve Children’s Camp will be held at Point Wolstongraft in Australia, a youth day will be organised in Finland, Estonian children’s literature will be introduced to the Estonian children of the Latokartano children’s group, and there will be a theatre day for children in Erfurt in Germany,’ commented Kaire Cocker, Head of the Compatriot Service of the Integration Foundation. ‘I also participated in one of the projects and witnessed how the performances of VAT Theatre and workshops for children at the Estonian House in New York brought the Estonian community together to enjoy Estonian culture and language and feel closer to Estonia,’ added Kaire Cocker.

The application round for self-initiated projects of global Estonian communities is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Find out more about the results og the 2022 application round on the Integration Foundation´s website.