Preparatory training for Estonian-language professional examinations
Places are still available on Estonian language training courses commencing in autumn for people studying to become hairdressers, beauticians, chefs and waiters. Registration has been more active for the sales training groups. Students in their final year of studies in these subjects and those already working in the fields are invited to take part in the training, which is being financed from the European Social Fund.
The courses are designed to prepare participants for Level 1 Estonian-language professional examinations, which is why those taking part must be able to speak Estonian to at least A2 level. Pre-testing will be carried out to confirm the language skills of those who register.
The training courses, which will be carried out by OÜ Suggesto, are to be held from September 2009 to November 2010 in Tallinn, Jõhvi and Narva. Courses for each subject will be held in all three cities over three cycles: September-December 2009, January-April 2010 and September-November 2010. Each course will cover 120 academic hours.
You can register for the courses by e-mailing or calling 660 1559.
Professional Estonian language training is taking place as part of the “Language Studies Development 2007-2010” programme financed from the European Social Fund.
For further information please contact: Merlin Mägi, Coordinator, Lifelong Learning Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9068 / E-mail:
Development of active learning methods for teaching Estonian language and culture in vocational education institutions
The Integration Foundation is working with Tallinn University to create an active learning method kit for teaching Estonian language and culture in vocational education institutions. The kit comprises a video and a handbook. The sample lessons on the video demonstrate different methods of active learning. The handbook provides explanations about the methods used and includes additional exercises and worksheets for students.
The kit is designed to support the integration of vocational education students with native languages other than Estonian into Estonian society through the methodical teaching of contemporary language and culture. The target group is vocational school teachers of Estonian as a second language who teach Russian-speaking students. The target group also includes general and professional subject teachers who teach Russian-speaking groups in Estonian.
The active learning methods kit will be completed in September 2010.
For further information please contact: Reet Kallo, Coordinator, Lifelong Learning Unit, phone: 659 9841, e-mail:  reet.kallo
“Development of materials for level examinations: drafting web-based sample tests” procurement
The deadline for the submission of offers for this simplified procurement is 4.00 pm on 1 July.
The general goal of the procurement is to support the better integration into Estonian society of citizens of third countries and those with undefined citizenship by developing Estonian language level examinations and making examination materials available online.
The procurement is one of the activities being financed through the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals and forms part of the social and economic integration area of the integration programme, which includes measures for the better integration into Estonian society of citizens of third countries. The procurement focuses expanding ways of determining the Estonian language skills of individuals with undefined citizenship and citizens of third countries (including Russia) and guaranteeing the quality of the means by which such skills are measured.
The procurement is being financed through the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals.
For further information please contact: Kristina Johannes, Coordinator, Lifelong Learning Unit, phone: +372 659 9065, e-mail:
“Information activities in support of studies of Estonian as a second language” simplified procurement
The aim of this procurement, which is open until 6 July 2009, is to support the achievement of the objectives and results of the ESF’s ‘Language Studies Development 2007–2010’ programme, including:
  • to inform potential target groups of the programme and to involve them more effectively in language-learning activities being held as part of the programme;
  • to mould positive attitudes among the general public in terms of learning Estonian as a second language and in regard to native language speakers of languages other than Estonian; and
  • to raise awareness among the public of the support of the European Social Fund.
The procurement competition is being organised as part of the ‘Language Studies Development 2007–2010’programme, a measure of the ‘Lifelong Learning’ priority of the ‘Human Resources Development Plan’ financed by the European Social Fund.
For further information please contact: Merlin Mägi, Coordinator, Lifelong Learning Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9068 / E-mail:
“Understanding and tolerance of cultural differences in youth work” project competition
The deadline for the submission of applications for this competition is 4.00 pm on 8 July.The aim of the competition is to support activities of youth associations which look at understanding cultural differences and involving young people with different citizenship in cooperative activities.
Support is planned to be given to youth training, cooperative activities and the development and publication of youth work-based information material. The target group of the competition is young people with citizenship of the European Union, primarily Estonian citizens, citizens of third countries within Europe and young people without citizenship.
The competition is being financed from the state budget and through the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals.
For further information please contact: Kaie Kullik, Coordinator, Culture and Youth Work Unit, phone: +372 659 9025, e-mail:
“Developing an integrated curriculum of Estonian language studies and introduction to Estonia and appropriate teaching materials and training of trainers” procurement
The goal of the procurement is to prepare citizens of third countries and those with undefined citizenship for better integration into Estonian society through the integrated teaching of Estonian language, society, history and culture. The teaching materials will form the basis for the students to take the required examinations and will support their ability to function in society, on the labour market and in education as future Estonian citizens.
The deadline for the submission of applications for this competition is 11.00 am on 28 July.
For further information please contact: Kristina Johannes, Coordinator, Lifelong Learning Unit, phone: +372 659 9065, e-mail: 
For the latest updates see
“Developing professional Estonian language teaching materials for workers in the fields of security and health care” procurement
This procurement focuses on the development of professional Estonian language teaching materials for security and health care workers which will allow students of these subjects and specialists already working in the fields to achieve the level of B2 in Estonian through a 120-hour course.
The activities of the procurement are based on the Estonian integration programme 2008–2013, one of whose priorities is improving the Estonian language skills of those whose native language is not Estonian.The measures of the national integration programme are aimed at promoting and supporting means of additional teaching of Estonian, including the creation of new teaching materials.
For further information please contact: Kristina Johannes, Coordinator, Lifelong Learning Unit, phone: +372 659 9065, e-mail:
2nd round of applications in the “Let’s do it together” project competition
In July the Integration Foundation will be launching the second round of applications for the “Let’s do it together” project competition.
The competition is designed to increase the civic activity of and contact and communication between citizens of Estonia and the European Union and third countries within Europe and Estonian residents with undefined citizenship.
The competition will support longer-term cooperation, campaigns, discussion forums and other citizens association activities involving citizens of Estonia and the European Union and other countries in Europe and Estonian residents with undefined citizenship of at least 18 years of age.
Applications for support can be submitted by the agencies managed by local governments, non-profit organisations and foundations that will carry out the activities.
The competition is being financed from the state budget and the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals, which was established as part of the general European Union programme ‘Solidarity and management of migratory flows’, on the basis of the implementation plan of the Estonian Integration Programme 2008–2013.
For further information please contact: Iris Järv, Coordinator, Culture and Youth Work Unit, phone: 659 9029, e-mail: