Integration Calendar - October 2008

Integration Foundation introduces new language development programme
The Integration Foundation introduced a new language studies development programme at its information day in Tallinn on 17 September.
The “Language Studies Development 2007-2010” programme was established on the basis of the “National Strategy for the Use of Structural Resources 2007-2013” and the related “Human Resources Development Plan” for the implementation of “Language Studies Development”, a priority of the “Lifelong Learning” measure. The programme is being financed by the European Social Fund.
In association with the Ministry of Education and Research the Integration Foundation will be creating additional opportunities through 12 different activities for a range of target groups to learn Estonian.
The target groups of the Language Studies Development programme are students aged 14 and older whose native language is a language other than Estonian; educators and officials who work with these students whose native language is a language other than Estonian; and working people whose level of Estonian is not sufficient.
With the support of the European Social Fund additional Estonian language studies will be organised in institutions of higher education and vocational education institutions for students and for police officials, rescue workers, prison officials, medical workers and other public sector employees through work exchanges.
Educators can study Estonian on courses and individually with a mentor, while young people can do so through joint activities.
The programme will contribute to the development of an integrated professional and language studies system, to preparing participants for Estonian-language professional exams and to creating professional language learning materials for vocational schools.
For further information please contact:
Eduard Odinets
Programme Director
Lifelong Learning Unit
Training for adult informal education training institutions
As part of the European Social Fund programme “Language Studies Development 2007-2010”, the Integration Foundation has launched cooperation with the non-profit organisation Kodanikukoolitus ja Koolituse Korralduskeskus OÜ to organise in-service training in the fields of multiculturalism, language learning and integrated language and professional studies for training institutions offering informal education training or enabling hobby education.
The training will take place between November 2008 and October 2009.
The in-service training will broaden participants’ knowledge and skills base, enabling them to manage better with the teaching of people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
For further information please contact:
Riina Ring
Project Manager
Lifelong Learning Unit
Courses in Estonian as a second language for students
The Integration Foundation has launched cooperation with eleven institutions of higher education to organise additional training courses in Estonian as a second language for tertiary level students. The aim of these additional studies is, with the support of the European Social Fund, to help those students whose native language is a language other than Estonian to develop their everyday communication and the skills in Estonian that they need for studying at the higher education level.
For further information please contact:
Ave Osman
Project Manager
Lifelong Learning Unit
“In-Service Training of Educators for the Development of Teaching in Estonian in Non-Estonian Vocational Schools” open procurement competition
The competition to find a trainer for the organisation of in-service training for educators from vocational schools is open until 10 October.
One of the aims of the “Language Studies Development 2007-2010” programme funded by the European Social Fund is to develop the Estonian language and subject and language teaching integration skills of professional and general subject teachers from vocational education institutions, as well as to prepare the teachers for service in another institution of vocational education.
As part of the programme 40 vocational teachers will receive in-service training on the opportunities of developing professional and language teaching and the use of e-studies in the implementation of professional teaching and knowledge of the development of language skills.
The aim of the work placement part of the training course is to offer 100 professional and general subject teachers the chance to teach their subject in Estonian. Teachers with Russian or another language as their native language will teach their subjects in a study group with Estonian as the language of instruction, and at the same time Estonian-speaking teachers from Estonian-language study groups will give lessons in Estonian in Russian-language study groups.
The emphasis in the training will be placed on teaching in multicultural study groups.
The procurement competition is being carried out for the implementation of the “Language Studies Development” measure of the “Lifelong Learning” priority area of the “Human Resources Development Plan”.
Information about the competition is available online at
For further information please contact:
Maria Ratassepp
Project Manager
Lifelong Learning Unit
“Issuance of professional language study sets for vocational education institutions” open procurement competition
The aim of this procurement is to improve the abilities of graduates of vocational education institutions whose native languages are languages other than Estonian to pass their professional examinations in Estonian and to take up work in an Estonian-language environment. In order to achieve this professional language study sets for electricians and bakers/confectioners will be developed for vocational students with native languages other than Estonian. The study sets will develop the students’ professional communication skills and will conform to the principles of the European language learning framework document.
Each study set will represent an 80-hour professional language course enabling students to obtain professional language level A2. The sets will be made up of four parts:
1) video (study videos for learning professional communication);
2) electronic (interactive textbook and workbook);
3) paper (textbook and workbook); and
4) electronic teacher’s guidelines.
The study sets will look at the relevant professional examinations, the requirements of them and work instruction vocabulary. They will also examine the modules of the curriculum. They will encourage students to discuss subjects related to motivation for language learning, self-realisation and attitude to life. With the help of the study sets the students will be prepared for professional work experience.
The study sets are designed for use in lessons of Estonian as a second language and/or Estonian as a professional language for electricians and bakers/confectioners.
The procurement competition is open until 14 October.
The terms and conditions of the competition are available online at
For further information please contact:
Reet Kallo
Project Manager
Lifelong Learning Unit
Publication and DVD completed promoting a multicultural Estonia
The Centre for Educational Programmes of the Integration Foundation has presented two sets of teaching material designed for basic schools:
1) The “Nationalities in Estonia: Uzbeks” publication. Authors Zulfia Nurmanova, Lola Sahhibnazarova and Ita Serman provide an overview of Uzbeks, their ancestral homeland, traditions, authors, artists, composers and Uzbeks in Estonia and around the world.
Three booklets have already been published in the “Nationalities in Estonia” series, featuring Lithuanians, Kazaks and Russians.
2) The “Ethnomosaic IV” DVD. This episode of the series of television programmes provides an overview of Polish, Korean, Mordvan, Dagestani and Bulgarian customs, traditions and more. The DVD was produced by Jevgenia Haponen. 9 films were released as part of Ethnomosaic I, 6 films as part of Ethnomosaic II and 5 films as part of Ethnomosaic III.
Centre for Educational Programmes director Ulvi Müürsepp says that the DVD is an additional teaching resource which can be used in social studies and history lessons, adding that both series provide a good overview of the different nationalities living in Estonia.
The publication of both resources was supported by the Ministry of Education and Research. They will be sent to all schools.
Zoja Tint
Project Manager
Centre for Educational Programmes
Joint activities of Estonian and Russian-speaking youth
A range of joint activities of young speakers of Estonian and Russian will be taking place in October, organised by the Integration Foundation with the support of the European Social Fund.
In cooperation with the British Council, the City of the Future game will be held in Narva in October and in Pärnu in November. Taking part will be Estonian and Russian-speaking youth and city officials. They will be identifying areas that need development in the cities and offering solutions for the future. The best solution will be chosen as part of the game, having received the input of city officials and specialists. Young people can take part in the decision-making process and have a say on issues affecting youth.
The “Are You Ready?” youth seminar will be held in Viinistu from 31 October to 1 November and is expected to be attended by up to 100 young Estonian and Russian-speaking people. The central theme of the seminar will be democracy. Presentations and workshops will allow the attendees to have their say in interpreting democracy, understand the nature of democratic values and take part in a democratic working process.
A seminar will be held within the framework of extracurricular language learning on 28 October for those carrying out 2008 language camp projects, those taking part in project competitions, potential 2009 project applicants and Estonian and Russian-language youth who attended language camps and family studies in 2008. In association with Luguteater the terms and conditions of the extracurricular language learning project competition will be reviewed, summertime activities will be analysed and proposals will be drawn up for the Estonian language studies of young Russian-speaking people outside of general education schools.
For further information please contact:
Lianne Ristikivi
Project Manager
Culture and Youth Work Unit
“Estonian and Russian language in-service training courses for youth workers” open procurement competition to be launched in October
The aim of the procurement is to provide youth workers whose native language is a language other than Estonian with the chance to improve the Estonian language skills they need for youth work. In-service training in Russian will be organised for youth workers whose native language is Estonian in order for them to be able to advise youth in Russian. The target group will comprise 40 youth workers. In-service training of 60 academic hours is planned to be organised in Harju and Ida-Viru Counties. The procurement is being financed by the Ministry of Education and Research.
For further information please contact:
Project Manager
Culture and Youth Work Unit
International conference on integrated subject and language studies to be held in Tallinn on 24 and 25 October 2008
Specialists in integrated subject and language learning from around the world will be making presentations at the conference on the following topics:
  • activities of successful integrated subject and language learning groups (expected and unexpected results)
  • integrated subject and language learning methodology (best practice)
  • studying and brain research (implementation of new knowledge in support of learning)
  • inclusion and avoiding elitism (broadening the availability of integrated subject and language studies)
  • intercultural dialogue (coping with cultural differences in the classroom)
  • success in the working world through integrated subject and language learning.
For further information please contact:
Made Pandis
Project Manager
Language Immersion Centre
Language immersion programme methodology training (in Russian)
The 3rd session of methodology training for the 2nd group of teachers of Russian-language subjects from language immersion classes will be held on 1 and 2 October in Jõhvi’s Russian-Language Secondary School.
The 4th session of methodology training for the 2nd group of teachers of Russian/English will be held on 20 and 21 October at the Toila Training Centre.
For further information please contact:
Maire Kebbinau
Project Manager
Language Immersion Centre

Immediate feedback in support of the language immersion programme – the 5-minute review method

Language immersion programme training is set to begin for the directors of schools which have joined the programme. The training sessions will be held regionally in Tallinn and Ida-Viru County between October and December 2008. Training will begin in Tallinn on 17 October at Laagna Secondary School.
A group will start in Narva at the end of October at the Narva Old Town State School.
For further information please contact:
Made Pandis
Project Manager
Language Immersion Centre

Development of a consultation system for the language immersion programme

Stage 2 of training for language immersion programme advisers is set to continue, led by the Open Mind Institute, between September and November 2008. The training sessions will be held regionally in Tallinn and Ida-Viru County. The training will be attended by 42 future language immersion programme advisers, who have already completed a 6-day training course representing Stage 1.
Development of the methodical counselling concept for teachers will continue under the guidance of the Open Mind Institute.
For further information please contact:
Made Pandis
Project Manager
Language Immersion Centre
Estonian/Finnish bilingualism seminar
This seminar will be held on October 10 at the Estonian Embassy in Helsinki.
Maintaining a language is of great importance as it represents a key aspect of culture. Those who consciously preserve their native language are culturally stronger. Learning a second language opens the doors to a new culture and helps you better understand it. Attendees at the seminar will get an overview of the Language Immersion Programme in Estonia.
For further information please contact:
Svetlana Belova
Project Manager
Language Immersion Centre