Let´s meet at the integration conference!

We are happy to invite you all to the annual integration conference ‘From Security to Solidarity: Challenges of Integration in Times of Crisis’ taking place on 16–17 November 2023. The conference can be attended via a free webcast and registration is required until 14 November 2023.

The conference, which will take place in Tallinn and will also be broadcast online, will bring together renowned researchers and practitioners from Estonia and other countries for the tenth time. This time, they will discuss the current situation and challenges, share data and experiences, and offer solutions and answers to the inevitable question: how has integration been affected by the crises of recent years? 

‘In recent years, we have faced several crises – we have had to deal quickly with the COVID-19 pandemic as well as with providing aid to war refugees from Ukraine. No area, including integration, has remained untouched by the crises. It is time to take stock of the changes in the field of integration brought about by the crises, the opportunities they have opened up, and the challenges that now need to be addressed to ensure a more cohesive society,’ said Dmitri Moskovtsev, Director of the Integration Foundation.  

In total, almost 30 experts from more than ten different countries will speak at the conference. Researchers and practitioners from Estonia, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Türkiye, and other countries will discuss four topics: the challenges of forced migration, the integration of war refugees, social cohesion and state security, and best integration practices in the European Union and beyond. 

‘We are trying to find ways to maintain cohesion – one of the cornerstones of integration – in times of crisis. For example, Alexander Wolffhardt from Belgium states that when talking about good practice, it is often unclear what ‘good practice’ actually means. Ercan Küçükarslan from Tukey will share an innovative approach to help students who have been forced to leave their homes cope with change and integrate into their new lives,’ explained Ivan Polynin, Head of Research Activities at the Integration Foundation and one of the main organisers of the conference.   

The two days of presentations and debates will culminate in a debate between Estonian politicians. Eduard Odinets (Social Democratic Party), Jaak Valge (Estonian Conservative People’s Party), Katrin Kuusemäe (Reform Party), Kristjan Järvan (Isamaa), Züleyxa Izmailova (Estonia 200) and Vadim Belobrovtsev (Estonian Centre Party) will discuss Estonia's integration capacity during crises. The debate is moderated by Johannes Tralla

The conference will take place in the House of the Blackheads in Tallinn and will also be broadcast online. You can follow the presentations and discussions and ask the speakers questions in Estonian, English as well as Russian. Participation in the conference is free of charge, subject to prior registration. 

The speakers and the programme of the conference can be found at this website. On the same website, you can register for the webcast of either day or both days of the conference until 14 November 2023.

Integration Conference 2023