Mapping the main obstacles in applying for Estonian citizenship

The Integration Foundation, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and the Institute of Baltic Studies, is conducting a survey between August and December 2024 to determine the main obstacles for residents of Estonia with unspecified citizenship in applying for Estonian citizenship. The results of the survey will help us develop measures for overcoming different obstacles in acquiring citizenship.

The survey will focus on the analysis of the motivational factors and obstacles of residents with an unspecified citizenship. The results will help to shape an evidence-based integration policy and create or improve solutions that support the application of Estonian citizenship among people with unspecified citizenship.

The survey includes a questionnaire and focus group interviews. In order to carry out the survey, the contact details of randomised members of the target group are requested from the Estonian Population Register. Participation in the survey is completely voluntary, people can refuse to take part at any moment, and information is processed in accordance with all guidelines and principles of data protection and ethical research. Data is not processed in a way that does not coincide with the purpose of the survey and all contact details are deleted in December 2024 at latest.

In case of any questions, please contact: Research Manager Kristjan Kaldur (Institute of Baltic Studies),, or Jekaterina Gvozdeva (Integration Foundation),

The survey is conducted with the support of the project ‘Activities supporting Estonian language learning and civic education’ (2021-2027.4.07.23-0006) financed by the cohesion and internal security policy funds of the European Union within a programme period of 2021–2027.