MARCH 2012

Content and language integrated learning courses for teachers of vocational schools begun
A new season of training courses of the language immersion programme is about to be opened

State acknowledged MISA for furthering subject learning in the Estonian language
An invitation to a dissemination event for Immigrant Inclusion by eParticipation project outcomes

Content and language integrated learning courses for teachers of vocational schools begun

In the middle of February, the foundation SA Omanäolise Kooli Arenduskeskus started to conduct refresher courses on the methodology of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and on the compilation of learning materials for the language and vocational teachers of vocational educational institutions commissioned by the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People (MISA).

“CLIL is concurrently content and language learning and requires that subject teachers also teach language to some degree. This is why the common language learning materials are not suitable for CLIL because these materials have to support the content of each subject, including the area of specialisation,” explained Eduard Odinets, Head of the Lifelong Learning Unit of MISA.

“During the training course, a wide range of topics will be dealt with and the teachers will obtain knowledge on the CLIL basics and examples of application, the development of teacher and pupil, how to shape learning environment and much more. The teachers will observe at least three different lessons where CLIL is applied,“ commented Odinets.
The training courses in which a total of 80 teachers participate will be held in Narva, Tartu and Tallinn and continue until December 2012. Within the framework of the programme “Language Learning Development 2007−2010” of the European Social Fund, 48 teachers of vocational educational institutions have completed a full CLIL course.

The training courses will be held within the framework of the programme “Language Learning Development 2011−2013” of the measure “Language Learning Development” of the priority axis “Lifelong Learning” of the Human Resource Development Action Plan financed by the European Social Fund.

For further information, please contact: Maria Ratassepp, Lifelong Learning Unit, tel 659 9068, e-mail

A new season of training courses of the language immersion programme is about to be opened

March is the first month that opens the 2012 training calendar of the language immersion programme with two study programme trainings that will begin on 30 March in Tallinn.

The target group of the training course “A teacher’s three hats: subject, language and learning skills” is subject teachers that wish to enrich the learning experience and offer assistance as a developer of learning and language skills. The total volume of the training course is 28 contact hours. The training will be held by experienced study programme developers and trainers, Anne Kloren and Anu Parts, who is head of the study programme.

The target group of the training course “Faster, higher, farther – drama as a tool of active learning” is teachers that wish to diversify learning experience. The total volume of the training course is 28 contact hours. The training course will be held by trainers with language immersion class teaching experience, Tatjana Baum-Valgmaa and Anna Sele, who is head of the study programme.

The objective of the language immersion programme training courses is to offer opportunities to learn new tools and methods and to try them out. These courses also help build confidence in selecting goals and activities for a lesson or a longer period; study learning materials and their further development and possibilities to apply them; enliven and remind what has been learned and experiences obtained when applying what has been learned; relate with colleagues that belong to the language immersion network from other schools; understand the importance of feedback and self-analysis in ensuring quality, etc.

Information on the following training courses and registration links to the training courses can be found here. The working language of the courses is Estonian, support for Russian speakers will be offered. The courses are financed by the Ministry of Education and Research within the framework of the Estonian Integration Plan for 2008-2013

For further information, please contact: Maire Kebbinau, Language Immersion Programme, Coordinator, tel 659 9847, e-mail

State acknowledged MISA for furthering subject learning in the Estonian language

On 15 February, at the Estonian Drama Theatre, the Ministry of Education and Research acknowledged Maire Kebbinau, a coordinator at the Foundation Integration and Migration Our People (MISA), and the language immersion programme for the promotion of subject learning in the Estonian language.

The state acknowledged people and organisations that in recent years have helped develop subject learning in the Estonian language in schools with the Russian language as the language of instruction.

“As the Head of the Foundation, I am very glad that our employees and organisation have been noticed and considered worthy of acknowledgement. Such acknowledgement also sets very high expectations for the future for us to be even more involved in the work so that the people living in Estonia have equal opportunities for self-realisation and to contribute to our society. We will continue this work with joy and a deep sense of duty,” said Tatjana Muravjova, Head of MISA.

“This acknowledgement was a very pleasant surprise and I am grateful for it, but I have to say that it belongs more to the team in MISA as well as to the people outside the foundation who have been the supporters, developers and implementers of the programme for years. A special thank you and attention belongs to the developers, trainers and heads of schools of the language immersion programme trainings study programmes that have contributed their effort, a lot of time and energy and created favourable opportunities for training to benefit the whole programme,” said Maire Kebbinau, Coordinator of Language Immersion Unit of MISA.

The following were also acknowledged: Tatjana Lüter, the Director of Tallinna Mustamäe Humanitaargümnaasium; Izabella Riitsaar, the Director of Tallinna Pae Gümnaasium; Annelii Juhkama head of humanities subjects at Tallinna Humanitaargümnaasium; Georgi Ostašov, Estonian language teacher at Narva Soldino Gümnaasium; Anna Golubeva, lecturer at Narva College of the University of Tartu; Maire Kebbinau, Coordinator of Integration and Migration Foundation Our People; Moonika Laht, Estonian language teacher at Narva Kesklinna Gümnaasium; Julia Trubatšova, Deputy Director of Tartu Annelinna Gümnaasium; Pavel Alonov, history teacher of Tallinna Pae Gümnaasium; and Airi Kukk, lecturer of Tallinn University.

In addition to teachers, a letter of acknowledgement was given to the Narva College of the University of Tartu, Avatud Meele Instituut of SA Omanäolise Kooli Arenduskeskus, Sola Integra, the language immersion programme of the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People, the Training Centre of the Estonian Theatre and Music Academy, and the Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association.

An invitation to a dissemination event for Immigrant Inclusion by eParticipation project outcomes

Tallinn University invites all interested parties to attend “Supporting e-Particiaption”, a dissemination event for Immigrant Inclusion by eParticipation project outcomes on 8 March, starting at 10:00 am at Sokos Hotell Viru Conference Centre.

The aim of the IIeP is to encourage dialogue between officials of local and state authorities and multilingual communities and NGOs as well as to improve the opportunities to participate in decision-making processes via the Internet and social media tools.

The guidelines for e-inclusion and e-participation as the outcome of the IIeP carried out in Estonia, Finland and Sweden in 2009–2012 and the Internet-page where e-tools have been collected will be introduced by the representatives of Tallinn University, the University of Helsinki, Södertörn University and the Ministry of Justice of Finland.

Workshops will be held during the event at which various tools supporting e-inclusion, e-participation and web-based cooperation will be introduced.

The presentations can be followed and the presentations and workshop information materials can be accessed via the web.

Registration is open until 5 March 2012 on the homepage of IIeP:  

The project is financed through the Central Baltic Sea INTERREG IV A Programme 2007−2013 of the European Union. The event is free for the participants and work will be conducted in the English and Estonian languages.

For further information, please contact: Katri Tammsaar, Tallinn University, tel 6 409 428, e-mail