Taotlusvoor "Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals (SAYP) 2022 Western Balkans (Tallinn) Follow-Up Call for stipend applications"

Contest period: -
Organizer: Integratsiooni Sihtasutus

The goal of stipend is to help SAYP alumni to invest in the development as professionals of integration and/or immigration field by improving/acquisition of knowledge or/and skills, developing capacity, or facilitating research activity.

Expected results: Stipend contributes to the professional growth of the applicant

The stipend is allocated for the period from October 17, 2022 till May 31, 2023.

Eligible applicants are SAYP Western Balkans module alumni (Tallinn 2022).

Stipend application requirements:

  • Stipend application fully and clearly describes how the applicant plans to achieve the goal of the stipend. Please see the application form for the desired format.
  • Stipend application should be signed and submitted to the Integration Foundation by October 17th, 2022. Signed and scanned application can be submitted to Anastassia Tuuder (anastassia.tuuder@integratsioon.ee) by email by the said deadline. The original application with signature should be send to Anastassia Tuuder by post to the address Linda 2, 20309 Narva. The originals should arrive not later than 7th of November, 2022.


Each stipend applicant can apply for maximum 750 euros.

Please dowload the application form (.doc) here: 


Additional information:

Anastassia Tuuder

Integratsiooni Sihtasutuse uuringute valdkonnajuht

+372 659 9853