Ootame Ukrainast tulijaid eesti kelt õppima

Dear friend from Ukraine, beneficiary of temporary protection!

We invite you to learn Estonian for free at the A1, A2 or B1 level. Registration for courses is open on the website of the official adaptation program Settle in Estonia https://www.settleinestone.ee.  

Dear friend from Ukraine, beneficiary of temporary protection! We invite you to learn Estonian for free at the A1, A2 or B1 level. Registration for courses is open on the website of the official adaptation program Settle in Estonia https://www.settleinestone.ee.  

Knowing Estonian will help you find a job or continue your studies in Estonia, to communicate more closely with Estonians and make new friends, to discover Estonian culture and spend time in the theater, museums and concerts, and to find opportunities that you have never dreamed of.

Do I have to travel to Tallinn to learn Estonian or can I also learn the language on online courses?

Estonian can be learned both in Tallinn and elsewhere in Estonia, but most language courses are conducted online. Many different groups are currently open both in the morning, during the day and in the evening, from which you can choose the most suitable one for you.

How long do the courses last?

On average, a beginner's Estonian language course to level A1 lasts 4 months, while advanced courses take somewhat longer - it takes 6 months to reach A2 level, and a language learner can reach B1 level in 8 months.

How to register?

To register for a language course, please create a personal account at www.settleinestonia.ee or log in to an account you have already created. In your personal account, you can see the courses open to you, the course schedule, additional information, and you can register for the appropriate course.   

If you don't see A2 or B1 courses, please review the data on the courses you have completed on your personal page. If it turns out that not all of your completed courses are listed in our database, please send us the certificate to info@settleinestonia.ee.  

Who must present a certificate?  

Beneficiaries of temporary protection who have completed an A1 or A2 level language course elsewhere than in the Settle in Estonia programme (for example at a university, the Unemployment Insurance Fund or at one of the following language schools https://bit.ly/keeleamet) must send us their certificate, which we add to the Settle in Estonia database. Once the information about completed courses is in the system, you can see A2 or B1 level courses and register. 

How to get answers to further questions?

For further questions, please contact info@settleinestonia.ee.

If you cannot immediately find a course that suits you, or if the course you are interested in is full, please check back in a while as new groups open gradually.  

Be sure to come and learn Estonian!