Registration for the summer school introducing work in public sector is open

From 22 to 25 August, the Integration Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture is organising summer courses on the public sector for students whose first language is not Estonian. The aim of the summer school is to introduce young people to career opportunities in the public sector and to encourage them to tie their futures with the public sector.

Students whose first language is not Estonian and who are finishing at least their second year at an Estonian higher education institution are welcome to participate. A total of 40 students from all over Estonia will be able to attend the summer school free of charge.

Participants in the summer school will acquire useful skills for planning their careers. They will learn from experts what the public sector expects from young people in the future, find out about traineeships and job opportunities in the public sector, learn how to write a CV and a motivation letter, etc. There will be inspiring meetings as well.

‘The summer school will serve as a meeting place for the representatives of state institutions and young people whose first language is not Estonian, encouraging them to discover each other. There are many diverse and challenging projects in the public sector to which young people of other nationalities can contribute. This will also make state policy more inclusive for more varied groups in society,’ said Kätlin Kõverik, Head of the Integration Foundation’s Counselling Service and Public Sector Internship Programme.

‘Young people will learn about the skills required for work at a state institution, available job opportunities, and how working in the public sector can influence decision-making at the highest level, directly from experts,’ added Kõverik.

The summer school will be held at the Estonian language house of Integration Foundation in Tallinn and the course will also include visits to other institutions.

Further information and registration:

The summer school is part of the traineeship programme of the Integration Foundation and the Ministry of Culture. In the framework of the programme, public sector institutions offer traineeships to students whose first language is not Estonian. The aim of the programme is to introduce young people to the job opportunities in public institutions and to encourage them to apply for public sector jobs in the future. Further information: