Share ideas: how can we celebrate cultural diversity?

The Ministry of Culture and the Integration Foundation announce an open call for ideas on how to celebrate cultural diversity of Estonia in 2024. Both activities that are already in place as well as completely new ideas can be suggested for the programme of the next thematic year. Ideas to the open call can be submitted on the website or by regular post until 30 June.  

According to Eda Silberg, Undersecretary for Cultural Diversity at the Ministry of Culture, the aim of the theme year is to highlight and value cultural richness as a natural part of everyday life.

‘According to the latest census, there are 211 ethnic groups living in Estonia, speaking 243 languages as their mother tongue. We are a culturally rich society, and this diversity is the value that unites us into one Estonian nation. Next year, we want to pay attention to the unique cultural space and communities of Estonia as well as to the diverse cultures and traditions of the different peoples living here,’ said Eda Silberg.

According to Dmitri Moskovtsev, Director of the Integration Foundation, the theme year will provide an opportunity to discover how cultural diversity is expressed in different spheres of life, from heritage and creativity to food and communication.

‘In our everyday lives, we often fail to realise what a wealth of culture we are constantly exposed to – whether in music, cinema and theatre, art, literature, sports, or even on our plates or through the people we contact with. Just as cultural diversity starts with each and every one of us, the year dedicated to it starts from the ideas of our people. Therefore, we invite all Estonians to feel free to contribute their thoughts and share good ideas on how to celebrate the cultural diversity in Estonia next year,’ said Dmitri Moskovtsev.

The deadline for open call is 30 June 2023. Initiatives that have already been implemented or have even become a tradition, as well as initiatives that are still planned or inspired by the next thematic year, are welcome. Ideas can be submitted via the website and by regular mail (Integration Foundation, Rävala pst 5, 10145 Tallinn, keyword ‘2024’). 
The team of the thematic year will review all ideas in July and give feedback by August at the latest.

More information about the thematic year and open call will be provided at the meeting with the team of the Year of Cultural Diversity, which will be held online on 13 June in Estonian, English and Russian language. To participate, please register via the website no later than on 12 June. In all other cases, please contact the team at

Cultural Diversity