From today, you can join the Estonian language training program

From 7 February, Estonian language learners can join the Language Friends Program to practise their language skills with native Estonian-speaking mentors. You can register on the website of the Integration Foundation. 

‘We welcome Estonian language learners who wish to practise communication in Estonian and thus use Estonian more and more in their everyday life. To practice, they have regular conversations with volunteer Estonian language mentors on a variety of real-life topics. The language learner and the mentor agree when and through which channel they will communicate,’ says Ave Landrat, head of the Language Friends Program at the Integration Foundation. ‘We are very pleased that over 400 mentors have already registered to help Estonian language learners. This means that the same number of language learners can start practising Estonian with the help of their language friend,’ added Ave Landrat.

The Language Friends Program is open to adult learners of Estonian who have at least an A2 level Estonian skill. Estonian language mentors are volunteers whose native language is Estonian or who speak Estonian at a native level. 

The Integration Foundation will start bringing together Estonian language mentors and learners on Valentine’s Day, 14 February. All Estonian language learners who wish to join the program are welcome to register on the website of the Integration Foundation. The registration form is open until all places are taken. 

In the three years of its existence, nearly 2,500 language friends have participated in the Language Friends Program.