We are all the face of Estonia: Rafael’s Estonia has always been and remains home


Rafael Sharafetdinov, a head of the Narva Tatar Cultural Society, a singer, and a public figure, has been appointed the Administrator of the House of People in Narva. He was born in Estonia. He is a Tatar by origins, and he is proud that the Tatar society exists and thrives in Estonia. To him, Estonia is his homeland, and he is happy to have been born here.

I am Rafael Sharafetdinov, the head of the Narva Tatar Cultural Society. My parents came here from Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod to visit their relatives who had been building the city. And they liked Estonia, and particularly Narva, so much that they decided to stay here. Both my brother and I were born here.   


Please describe how you see our Estonia.

I see Estonia as a multinational and culturally rich nation, where the traditions of different peoples are interwoven, thus creating amazing diversity. May our country always be as bright and diverse as it is now!


What do you like about Estonia?

I like the neatness and punctuality of Estonia. These are essential features of Estonian culture that I value so much. I also find admirable the way Estonians care about preserving their traditions and values.


What surprises you in Estonia?

I am surprised by the multinationalism and cultural diversity in Estonia. Representatives of different nations live here, and all of them contribute to the development and prosperity of the country.


What do you find unexpected or unusual in Estonia?

To me, it was unusual to see how thoroughly the traditions are preserved. Estonians treat their culture with great care, which is unusual in other countries.


Which aspects of your culture could be promoted in Estonia?

The traditions of hospitality and kindness of the Tatar culture could be promoted. We always aim to create a warm and friendly atmosphere that, in my opinion, could enrich the Estonian culture.


How, in your opinion, does your presence enrich Estonia?

I think that our presence in Estonia adds to its cultural diversity. We share our traditions, music, and hospitality, which makes Estonia even more exciting and multifaceted.


What Estonian habits have you adopted for yourself?

I adopted punctuality and responsibility which are very important features for Estonians. I also like the quiet and modest lifestyle.


What is your favourite Estonian food?

I like one Estonian dish that impressed me a lot. Although I am a Muslim and cannot eat pork, there are some foods that I can eat, and they are delicious.


Do you have your favourite Estonian musical composition?

I love a lot to collaborate with Estonian musicians, for example, Tatyana Mikhailova. Their talent and their creative work inspire me.


How could you describe Estonians?

Estonians are calm, responsible, and punctual people. They treat their culture with great care, which I deeply respect.