We are waiting for short stories for a book that supports language learning

The Integration Foundation invites you to participate in a joint project, the goal of which is to provide engaging language learning material. Short memorable stories about special moments between Estonians and representatives of other cultures are expected by 15 May.

‘We constantly hear stories from Estonian learners as well as our friends about lovely, funny, and thought-provoking moments between representatives of different cultures right here in Estonia. We decided to put them together to encourage people with different mother tongues to communicate more with each other, to offer pleasant reading, and at the same time to provide the opportunity to learn Estonian. Understanding and supporting each other, despite our differences, is something we have to do all the time, but especially now,’ said Anna Farafonova, the head of the Estonian Language House in Narva of the Integration Foundation.

Both Estonians and people whose mother tongue is not Estonian are welcome to participate. Your story can be in Estonian or your mother tongue and be up to one page. The stories can be submitted until 15 May 2022.

Pille Maffucci, project leader and teacher of the Estonian Language House in Narva, ‘We will compile the stories into a book which can also be used to learn Estonian. It is always better to learn a language when the material is relatable. Do not send us life stories – we want stories of specific moments where someone behaved in an unexpected manner or had a linguistic accident which caused confusion – moments that make you laugh when you think back on them or were simply special.’

The sent stories are used as inspiration – they will be intertwined into one story where the characters will end up in the situations the authors have described. If necessary, the stories will be changed for literary or educational purposes.

All participants will be invited to a thank-you event once the book has been completed. The names of the authors of the used stories will be included in the book and they will also be given personal copy of the book.

Additional information: integratsioon.ee/kirjutameKOOSraamatu