From this week, you can practice Estonian in language cafés

Starting this week, the Integration Foundation will once again offer the opportunity to practice Estonian in language cafés. The language cafés provide support for independent Estonian studies and a chance to practice to those who want to speak the language – supplement their vocabulary, practice independent learning, and chat on everyday topics in a relaxed environment. Language cafés are held all over Estonia free of charge.

‘Language cafés are suitable for those language learners who find it difficult to participate in language learning on a weekly basis but want to receive support for independent learning and build up their courage and self-assurance in using Estonian. Participants will not be doing any writing, exercises, or reading. The focus will be on talking. Language cafés provide a good opportunity to break out of the daily routine and practice Estonian in a relaxed atmosphere outside the classroom,’ said Kätlin Kõverik, Head of the Counselling Service at the Integration Foundation.

Situations and topics that arise in daily life are discussed at the cafés. These include subjects like introducing yourself, looking for work, self-improvement, communicating with colleagues, travelling, enjoying hobbies, celebrating special occasions and anniversaries, as well as everyday situations, such as attending doctor’s appointments and dealing with officials.

You can get acquainted with the schedule and registration information of language cafés on the website of the Integration Foundation at The schedule is constantly updated.

Language cafés are held every week all over Estonia: In Tallinn, Maardu, Narva, Sillamäe, Kohtla-Järve, Jõhvi, Narva-Jõesuu, Tartu, Pärnu, and Valga. There is also an online language café held twice a week.

Participation in language cafés is free of charge.

Language cafés are supported from the resources of the ‘Development and implementation of advisory and information system’ activity 5.1 of the ‘Activities supporting integration in Estonian society’ project nr 2014-2020.2.06.004005006.01.15-0001 of the European Social Fund.