
The Cultural Diversity Year belongs to all of us, in that each of us contributes to the cultural diversity that surrounds us. Different though we may be, we are all part of one whole – Estonian society, which has been interwoven from different cultures across the ages. At the same time, integration and preserving social coherence is an ongoing process, and the theme year helps to better understand, appreciate and work to preserve the cultural diversity around us.
In the theme year, we will come together to elevate the topic of cultural diversity. In other words, we will recognise the cultural characteristics of our communities and people. We will share them, value and create them, cherish and enrich them through everything that unites us – from experiences and myths to creativity and the future, whether that be in everyday life or on special occasions, in research or through events.
We hope that the legacy of this Cultural Diversity Year will be to help people better understand, appreciate and cherish the different cultures in Estonia. At the same time, we will try to promote mutual communication and cooperation between the different communities and people in Estonia.

It's worth knowing!

> The calendar of the Culture Diversity year will help you to celebrate the diversity of Estonia´s communities and people. You can also publish your own themed events for free.

> There are other possibilities to participate in the theme year. You can find interesting ideas for almost every day at this link.



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