
We can contribute to the Cultural Diversity Year's goal both by acting together and by using a common visual identity. It includes a logo for the theme year and templates to facilitate its use.

The logo of the Cultural Diversity Year is a bird's nest, a metaphor for our common home. Just as the bird's nest is strengthened by the intertwining of the materials used to build it, so too the strength of Estonian society is the connections between its people. The colourfulness of the nest references the cultural diversity that is born out of jointly held values. Estonia is a home for everyone who cherishes and enriches it with their culture.

The visual identity of the theme year can be used by anyone who wishes to highlight, value and preserve Estonia's cultural diversity. The use of the logo and the creation of the designs are explained in the visual identity handbook of the Cultural Diversity Year. The files and templates are available both as files and in an online design environment.

The visual identity for the Cultural Diversity year and the according handbook are created by Estonian design agency Kala Ruudus. The work has been financed by the European Union accordingly to the rules of the public procurement.



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