Language Learning Sunday in Paldiski

  • Language level required: B1+
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Rae 38, Paldiski, Pakri Plaza, 6.korrus
  • Time: 08.10.2023 kell 17:00 - 19:00
  • Format: Language Practice

All activities will be conducted in Estonian. The aim of the event is to carry out playful and engaging activities with the participants and to develop their Estonian language skills. Together, we will practise listening, writing, and speaking Estonian, learn new words, and encourage learners to practice the language more.


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


Language Roulette invites you to practise Estonian! We meet virtually on Zoom in the format of short conversations.

We chat in Estonian for a limited time in a random group. The topics will be clarified at the meeting. A positive and free atmosphere is guaranteed.

  • Min. language level required: A2+
  • Time: 26.09 from 18.00-19.00 (logging in at 17:45)
  • Place: Zoom. The link will be sent ahead of the session to everyone registered for the event at 16.30.
  • No of participants: 40

Contact person: Ave Landrat/ Mari Taalmann

Registration: (15.09 at 15.00 - 26.09 at 16.00)

Movie night B1+ (Narva)

  • Language level required: B1+
  • Location: Narva eesti keele maja Narva, Linda 2
  • Time: 01.10.2023 kell 15:00 - 20:00
  • Format: Language Practice

The films of the Matsalu Nature Film Festival are coming to Narva for the fourth time this year! Between 25 September and 1 October 2023, the Integration Foundation’s Estonian Language House in Narva will screen the films of the international Matsalu Nature Film Festival (MAFF) in the Estonian Language House of Narva for the fourth time. For the second year in a row, the films will also be shown in the schools of Narva in cooperation with the Narva Estonian State High School, so that as many people as possible could experience the best nature films in the world.

This year’s selection of films screened in Narva includes classic nature films as well as films that reflect more broadly on the relationship between humans and nature.

Margus Pensa, a biodiversity and monitoring specialist from the Nature Protection Department of the State Forest Management Centre, will also be present to comment on the films of the festival at the movie night on 1 October.


Film schedule

3 p.m. Woodpeckers: the Hole Story Director Ann Johnson Prum
USA 2022 / 52 minutes / English, with Estonian subtitles

The story of the woodpeckers takes us deep into the forest. All woodpeckers share some very special talents – they are excellently adapted to life in the trees and are highly skilled woodworkers. They have legs that are perfect for climbing trees, a technique for flying through the forest, and a beak with a chisel-like tip for carving holes in tree trunks. Woodpeckers do not sing. Instead, they drum on trees to send messages. They use their sharp beaks to bore into rotting trees and look for insects to eat. Every year, they hollow out deep nest holes – holes that are also important for other species nesting in the forest. The film explores these fascinating birds from around the world.

4.30 p.m. Wolf Director Cees van Kempen
Netherlands 2022 / 90 minutes / English and Dutch, with Estonian subtitles
In Europe, the wolf was almost completely eradicated over the last centuries. Small populations survived in the large forests of eastern Poland. Thanks to the conservation measures put in place, the wolf has made a remarkable comeback in recent decades. Wolf tells the story of how this extraordinary predator found its way through Germany to one of Europe’s most vibrant countries – the Netherlands.

6.30 p.m. What is the Wilderness? (Was ist Wildnis?) Director Jan Haft
Germany 2022 / 51 minutes / German, English, with English subtitles
What is the Wilderness? shows that species diversity is greatest where large herbivores are part of the habitat. Given that livestock can provide the same ‘ecosystem engineering’ services as wild animals, wild grazing is a major opportunity for biodiversity, animal welfare, climate, landscape, and the future of humanity.

Information and registration: The movie night is free of charge. Pre-registration is not required, but you can let us know if you wish to attend.


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Keila-Joa Manor A2+ (Keila-Joa)

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Pargi tee 5, Keila-Joa alevik
  • Time: 30.09.2023 kell 11:00 - 14:00
  • Format: Language Practice

Schloss Fall, i.e. Keila-Joa Manor and the waterfall below it, is a favourite among Estonian and foreign holidaymakers. The tour, the interactive class, and conversations are held in Estonian.

A guided tour of the castle, a walk in the park, and a visit to the family cemetery of the first owners of the manor (the Benckendorffs and the Volkonskis) are going to reveal unknown pages from our history and culture. We will learn about the everyday life of the 19th century aristocracy, famous historical figures who have visited the manor, artists who have depicted unique Estonian nature, and poets who have admired the Fall manor and its surrounding area.

We are going to take photos – not just as mementos, but also for the subsequent interactive lesson where each participant can demonstrate their creative prowess and ability to use the information learned during the tour.

No of participants: 20

Instructor: Valeria Siminko


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Friday in Library A2+ (Paldiski)

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Rae 38, Paldiski, Raamatukogu
  • Time: 29.09.2023 kell 16:00 - 17:30
  • Format: Language Practice

Friday in Library is a social club which brings together people from different cultural backgrounds who want to practice Estonian in a pleasant and welcoming setting.

The club is a place to get acquainted with one another, have conversations with the help of various forms of communication, play fun team games, and exchange information.

The Friday in Library events are meant for those who are still learning Estonian and who want to practice it in a playful manner. The events take place from September until December.

No of participants: 12

Organised by: Urve Luht


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Baking bread at the Estonian Open Air Museum B1+ (Tallinn)

  • Language level required: B1+
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Kohtume kell 15.20 Eesti Vabaõhumuuseumi kassade juures ( Vabaõhumuuseumi tee 12)
  • Time: 26.09.2023 kell 15:30 - 18:00
  • Format: Language Practice

Nowadays, you can buy several kinds of bread at any grocery store and everyone is used to it. In the olden days, however, a lot of effort was required to ensure that everyone in the family could eat and that there was enough bread for the whole year.
Rye bread has been a staple of the diet of Estonians for about 1,000 years and for centuries, it was considered the most important part of every meal. This was due to the fact that the entire family had to work very hard to make bread.

At the Estonian Open Air Museum, you can go back in time and try your hand at threshing, winnowing grain, grinding flour, and baking bread the old-fashioned way. Participants will learn expressions and vocabulary about bread.

The event is aimed at culture-loving language learners.

Number of participants: 25

Contact person/organiser: Pille Veisserik /


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Language Training through physical activities A1+ (Paldiski)

  • Language level required: A1+
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Rae 38 (III korruse saal), Paldiski, Lääne-Harju vald, Harju maakond
  • Time: 24.09.2023 kell 10:00 - 11:30
  • Format: Language Practice

Practical language training through physical activity – we are going to be active, communicate, and learn!

Language training takes place twice a month starting from September. All activities are relaxed, fun, and interesting. We are going to get to know one another, make friends, and learn Estonian together. You will not even notice learning the language as we spend time together.

Yoga classes, dance lessons, hikes, parlour games – all activities are accompanied by learning Estonian through communication and expressing yourself. We are going to meet new friends and learn Estonian!

All who are interested are welcome to join the workouts of our team, regardless of age or physical form. If you are interested, then this is an easy way to polish your Estonian skills.

No of participants: 20

Organized by: Anu Grete Oder


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Friday in Library A2+ (Paldiski)

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Rae 38, Paldiski, Raamatukogu
  • Time: 22.09.2023 kell 16:00 - 17:30
  • Format: Language Practice

Friday in Library is a social club which brings together people from different cultural backgrounds who want to practice Estonian in a pleasant and welcoming setting.

The club is a place to get acquainted with one another, have conversations with the help of various forms of communication, play fun team games, and exchange information.

The Friday in Library events are meant for those who are still learning Estonian and who want to practice it in a playful manner. The events take place from September until December.

No of participants: 12

Organised by: Urve Luht


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


  • Language level required: B2+
  • Location: Narva eesti keele maja ZOOM
  • Time: 02.10.2023 kell 18:00 - 19:30
  • Format: Language Practice

Mokalaat on keelekohtumiste sari, kus ei ole õpetajat ega õppijaid: kõik on ühtaegu õppijad ja õpetajad! Kohtumistel arendame oma esinemis- ja esitluse tegemise oskust.
Seda on võimalik teha sõbralikus õhkkonnas ning enda jaoks huvitaval teemal. Osalejad valmistavad kordamööda ette ühe teema, mille kohta nad teevad ettekande. Teised on aktiivsed kuulajad, kes küsivad küsimusi ja osalevad ettekandele järgnevas arutelus. Aeg-ajalt kutsume külla inimesi, kes räägivad meile oma põnevast kogemusest.


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


  • Language level required: B1
  • Location: Narva eesti keele maja Narva, Linda 2
  • Time: 27.09.2023 kell 18:00 - 20:00
  • Format: Language Practice

Narva eesti keele maja avab sel sügisel filmiõhtute hooaja loodusfilmidega. Nimelt on terve nädala Narvas külas Matsalu loodusfilmide festival MAFF ja näha saab kõige uuemaid ja värskemaid filme tervest maailmast ning ühte vahvat konnafilmi ka Eestist.
27. septembri õhtul ongi kavas kaks loodusfilmi:

1. „Kust konnad tulevad?“ Režissöör Hannes Rohtma
Konnad on meie jaoks nii tavalised loomad ja oleme kõik neid näinud. Aga kust nad ikkagi tulevad? Film näitab Põhja-Euroopa kahe enamlevinud konnaliigi - rohukonna ja kärnkonna elu alates kevadisest rändest kuni südasuvise kullesest konnaks saamiseni. Näha saab konnade tegevust maa peal, vee peal ja vee all. Ka konnade maailmas tekib arusaamatusi ja tülisid, samuti pole väikeste konnalaste ehk konnakulleste lapsepõlv muretu: peavad nemadki ellujäämiseks erinevaid nippe kasutama.
Film on eesti keeles, pikkus 22 minutit.

2. „Kaktuse hotell“ (Cactus Hotel) Režissöör Yann Sochaczewski
See on mõnevõrra teistsugune loodusfilm, mis jutustab humoorikas võtmes põnevaid lugusid vanast "Kaktuse hotellist" Ameerika edelaosas Sonorani kõrbes. Külastajad registreerivad pidevalt sisse ja välja, peetakse pidusid, sõlmitakse liite ja elatakse läbi draamasid. Metsik "Kaktuse hotell" pakub oma külalistele konditsioneeriga katusesviite, hubaseid rõdusid ja suurepärase vaatega lõhnavaid terrasse. Mõned lihtsalt peatuvad, teised naudivad katusebaaris jooke ja suupisteid või on siin aastaringsed rentnikud – iga külaline on ainulaadne ja välja töötanud hämmastavad ellujäämisstrateegiad.
Lood päevaturistidest, veidratest ööbivatest külalistest ja pikaajalistest üürnikest, kes suudavad torkiva kaktuselinnuse muuta oma koduks.
NB! Film on inglise keeles eestikeelsete subtiitritega, pikkus 50 minutit


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: