Language Roulette invites you to practise Estonian! We meet virtually on Zoom in the format of short conversations.

We chat in Estonian for a limited time in a random group. The topics will be clarified at the meeting. A positive and free atmosphere is guaranteed.

  • Min. language level required: A2+
  • Time: 19.12 from 18.00-19.00 (logging in at 17:45)
  • Place: Zoom. The link will be sent ahead of the session to everyone registered for the event at 16.30.
  • No of participants: 40

Contact person: Ave Landrat/ Mari Taalmann

Registration: (12.12 at 9.00 - 19.12 at 16.00)


Language Roulette invites you to practise Estonian! We meet virtually on Zoom in the format of short conversations.

We chat in Estonian for a limited time in a random group. The topics will be clarified at the meeting. A positive and free atmosphere is guaranteed.

  • Min. language level required: A2+
  • Time: 05.12 from 18.00-19.00 (logging in at 17:45)
  • Place: Zoom. The link will be sent ahead of the session to everyone registered for the event at 16.30.
  • No of participants: 40

Contact person: Ave Landrat/ Mari Taalmann

Registration: (28.11 at 9.00 - 05.12 at 16.00)


Language Roulette invites you to practise Estonian! We meet virtually on Zoom in the format of short conversations.

We chat in Estonian for a limited time in a random group. The topics will be clarified at the meeting. A positive and free atmosphere is guaranteed.

  • Min. language level required: A2+
  • Time: 21.11 from 18.00-19.00 (logging in at 17:45)
  • Place: Zoom. The link will be sent ahead of the session to everyone registered for the event at 16.30.
  • No of participants: 40

Contact person: Ave Landrat/ Mari Taalmann

Registration: (14.10 at 9.00 - 21.11 at 16.00)


Language Roulette invites you to practise Estonian! We meet virtually on Zoom in the format of short conversations.

We chat in Estonian for a limited time in a random group. The topics will be clarified at the meeting. A positive and free atmosphere is guaranteed.

  • Min. language level required: A2+
  • Time: 07.11 from 18.00-19.00 (logging in at 17:45)
  • Place: Zoom. The link will be sent ahead of the session to everyone registered for the event at 16.30.
  • No of participants: 40

Contact person: Ave Landrat/ Mari Taalmann

Registration: (31.10 at 9.00 - 07.11 at 16.00)


Language Roulette invites you to practise Estonian! We meet virtually on Zoom in the format of short conversations.

We chat in Estonian for a limited time in a random group. The topics will be clarified at the meeting. A positive and free atmosphere is guaranteed.

  • Min. language level required: A2+
  • Time: 24.10 from 18.00-19.00 (logging in at 17:45)
  • Place: Zoom. The link will be sent ahead of the session to everyone registered for the event at 16.30.
  • No of participants: 40

Contact person: Ave Landrat/ Mari Taalmann

Registration: (17.10 at 9.00 - 24.10 at 16.00)

Language Training through physical activities A1+ (Paldiski)

  • Language level required: A1+
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Rae 38, Paldiski, 3.korrus
  • Time: 01.10.2023 kell 10:00 - 11:30
  • Format: Language Practice

Practical language training through physical activity – we are going to be active, communicate, and learn!

Language training takes place twice a month starting from September. All activities are relaxed, fun, and interesting. We are going to get to know one another, make friends, and learn Estonian together. You will not even notice learning the language as we spend time together.

Yoga classes, dance lessons, hikes, parlour games – all activities are accompanied by learning Estonian through communication and expressing yourself. We are going to meet new friends and learn Estonian!

All who are interested are welcome to join the workouts of our team, regardless of age or physical form. If you are interested, then this is an easy way to polish your Estonian skills.

No of participants: 20

Organized by: Anu Grete Oder


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Board games evening A2+ (Jõhvi)

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Narva eesti keele maja Jõhvi Kultuuri- ja Huvikeskus (Pargi 40, Jõhvi)
  • Time: 31.10.2023 kell 18:30 - 20:00
  • Format: Language Practice

On 31 October 2023, we will play a board game called ALIAS. The board game Alias is an exciting and educational picture and word puzzle game! Explain words and pictures to a fellow player without using the word you are explaining! You can use synonyms, opposites, hints, and even vocalisations instead. The game is also suitable for children who can’t yet read, as each word is also illustrated with a picture. Teams try to guess as many words as they can before time runs out. Children’s Alias is a fast-paced, entertaining, and fun social game!


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Narva eesti keele maja Jõhvi Kultuuri- ja Huvikeskus (Pargi 40, Jõhvi)
  • Time: 19.10.2023 kell 18:30 - 20:00
  • Format: Language Practice

"Maffia" on tuntud seltskonnamäng, mille mängimiseks on vaja vähemalt seitset inimest, kaardipakki ning vaiksemat ruumi, kus kõik saaksid istuda ja üksteist näha. Mängus on kaks poolt – külarahvas ja maffia. Maffia eesmärk on tappa piisavalt inimesi, et nad saavutaksid teise poole üle enamuse, ning kõigi teiste eesmärk on ära arvata ja hukata maffia. Mängu viib läbi mängujuht, kes osalejate sekka ei kuulu. Mängu kulg on jaotatud kaheks: öö ja päev. Öösel tegutsevad maffia, politseinikud ja arstid ning päeval peavad kõik arutelu ja kaitsekõnede tulemusel hääletama, kes hukatakse maffiarolli kahtluse tõttu.
Mäng on lihtne, ega nõua erilist ettevalmistust või eelnevat proovimist. Maffia nõuab tähelepanu, loogikat ja inimeste tundmist. Tule meeleolukale õhtule vabas õhkkonnas eesti keeles suhtlema.


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Narva eesti keele maja Jõhvi Kultuuri- ja Huvikeskus (Pargi 40, Jõhvi)
  • Time: 10.10.2023 kell 19:00 - 20:30
  • Format: Language Practice

10.10.2023 mängime lauamängu DIXIT. Lauamäng "Dixit" on lõbus ning reibas mäng aja veetmiseks. Ootusärevus võtab hinge kinni! Pildid avatakse. Neil kõigil on midagi ühist - mõistatuslik vihje. Nüüd tuleb ettevaatlik olla, kuna vaid üks viiest pildist on võtmeks. Selle leidmiseks pead sa kasutama oma loovust ja vaistu, vältides samas teiste mängijate lõkse.
2010. aastal on mäng tunnustatud Spiel des Jahres - aasta mängu auhinnaga.


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: