We are all the face of Estonia: Rafael’s Estonia has always been and remains home


Rafael Sharafetdinov, a head of the Narva Tatar Cultural Society, a singer, and a public figure, has been appointed the Administrator of the House of People in Narva. He was born in Estonia. He is a Tatar by origins, and he is proud that the Tatar society exists and thrives in Estonia. To him, Estonia is his homeland, and he is happy to have been born here.

I am Rafael Sharafetdinov, the head of the Narva Tatar Cultural Society. My parents came here from Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod to visit their relatives who had been building the city. And they liked Estonia, and particularly Narva, so much that they decided to stay here. Both my brother and I were born here.   


Please describe how you see our Estonia.

I see Estonia as a multinational and culturally rich nation, where the traditions of different peoples are interwoven, thus creating amazing diversity. May our country always be as bright and diverse as it is now!


What do you like about Estonia?

I like the neatness and punctuality of Estonia. These are essential features of Estonian culture that I value so much. I also find admirable the way Estonians care about preserving their traditions and values.


What surprises you in Estonia?

I am surprised by the multinationalism and cultural diversity in Estonia. Representatives of different nations live here, and all of them contribute to the development and prosperity of the country.


What do you find unexpected or unusual in Estonia?

To me, it was unusual to see how thoroughly the traditions are preserved. Estonians treat their culture with great care, which is unusual in other countries.


Which aspects of your culture could be promoted in Estonia?

The traditions of hospitality and kindness of the Tatar culture could be promoted. We always aim to create a warm and friendly atmosphere that, in my opinion, could enrich the Estonian culture.


How, in your opinion, does your presence enrich Estonia?

I think that our presence in Estonia adds to its cultural diversity. We share our traditions, music, and hospitality, which makes Estonia even more exciting and multifaceted.


What Estonian habits have you adopted for yourself?

I adopted punctuality and responsibility which are very important features for Estonians. I also like the quiet and modest lifestyle.


What is your favourite Estonian food?

I like one Estonian dish that impressed me a lot. Although I am a Muslim and cannot eat pork, there are some foods that I can eat, and they are delicious.


Do you have your favourite Estonian musical composition?

I love a lot to collaborate with Estonian musicians, for example, Tatyana Mikhailova. Their talent and their creative work inspire me.


How could you describe Estonians?

Estonians are calm, responsible, and punctual people. They treat their culture with great care, which I deeply respect.



Tallinn - Tartu A2+ - GROUP FULL

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Etnoweb MTÜ G. Otsa 9 parkimispeatusest, Estonia teatri kõrval
  • Time: 07.09.2024 kell 08:15 - 20:00
  • Format: Study Trip

Tartu on tudengite linn ja eesti kultuuri häll, kust sai alguse rahvusülikool ja toimus esimene rahvuslik üldlaulupidu. Tule ülikoolilinna avastama!
Päevakavas toodud tegevuste käigus õpime ja harjutame eesti keelt ning kogume kultuurielamusi.
Kontaktisik on Liia Asanova: tel 5538663

Õppereisi päevakava

Linnaekskursioon ja Toomemägi, Tartu Ülikooli ja muuseumi ekskursioon, Eesti Rahva Muuseumi külastus, räägime Vanemuise teatrist.

8.15 Väljasõit (Tallinnast aadressilt G. Otsa 9 parkimispeatusest, Estonia teatri kõrvalt)
13.00 Lõunapaus
20.00 Tagasi Tallinnas G. Otsa tänava parkimispeatuses

Õppereisid on suunatud inimestele, kelle emakeel ei ole eesti keel ja kes soovivad eesti keelt praktiseerida; külastada kultuuriloolisi paiku ning muuseume, etendus- jt kultuuriasutusi, mis aitavad mõista eesti kultuuri eripära ja traditsioone.

Õppereisi rahastamisallikas: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Erinevate kultuuri- ja vaba aja tegevuste pakkumine eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ning praktiseerimiseks“.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/14586?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Let's highlight the diversity of cultures at the Tallinn Marathon!

Due to the current Year of Cultural Diversity we offer a unique opportunity to show how culturally diverse our Estonia is – and to take part together in the largest public sports event in Estonia, the Tallinn Marathon. The event organisers are looking forward to seeing members of your communities and their families at the most popular untimed distances (both running and walking are allowed) for free:

> the Welcome Run – in Kadriorg Park on Friday, September 6, from 18:30 (4.2 km)

> the Tallinn Autumn Run – in the city centre, on September 7, starting at 2 pm (10 km)

To make sure that our cultural diversity stands out at both distances, the organisers are asking participants to add some national element to their clothing, be it a patterned belt, shirt, skirt, jacket, headband, knee socks – the choice is yours!

Those wishing to register should do so no later than Friday, August 30 at this link: REGISTER. It is important to make sure that the participant's data is correct, including emails and phone numbers as we will use them to keep in touch with you. Timely registration guarantees free participation.

In addition, the organisers of the Tallinn Marathon are offering all interested participants a 20% discount on all timed distances (42 km, 21 km and 10 km). To receive the discount, those interested must register no later than Friday, August 30, using the promo code MarathonxTLN2024: REGISTER. Timely registration guarantees a discount.

If you have any questions, please contact us: Katja Sepp (Head of Communications of the Integration Foundation) – mob 53074951, email katja.sepp@integratsioon.ee.


Eesti Politseimuuseumi haridusprogramm A2+

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: SA Virumaa Muuseumi Eesti Politseimuuseum Tallinna 3, Rakvere
  • Time: 16.09.2024 kell 17:15 - 19:45
  • Format: Educational program

Programmi nimi: „Turvaliselt Eestis“

Sisukirjeldus: Tutvustatakse Eesti politsei toimimist ja seeläbi siinses ühiskonnas kehtivaid väärtuseid. Politseimuuseumi ekspositsioonis ja välialal toimuvate praktiliste ja interaktiivsete tegevuste abil omandavad osalejad lihtsamat sõnavara, mis on seotud siseturvalisusega ja liiklusega. Erinevate tegevuste kaudu õpitakse tundma politseitööd ja ohutu liiklemise põhitõdesid.
Kontakt: Sandra Suviste e-mail: sandra@svm.ee

Vähese keeleoskusega täiskasvanutele eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ja praktiseerimiseks loodud haridusprogramm. Eesmärgiks tutvustada Eesti kultuuriruumi. Läbi kuulamise ning lugemisülesannete toetakse algtasemel keeleoskaja püüdlust mõista eesti keelt. Lisaks julgustatakse programmis osalejaid läbi lihtsate tegevuste omavahel suhtlema, innustades jätkama keeleõpet.

Haridusprogrammi rahastatakse: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Haridusprogrammide, sealhulgas lihtsas eesti keeles, loomine kultuuri- ja spordiasutustes“.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/14468?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

TYPA trüki- ja paberikunsti keskuse haridusprogramm A2+

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: TYPA MTÜ Kastani tn 48f, Tartu
  • Time: 15.10.2024 kell 17:30 - 19:45
  • Format: Educational program

Programmi nimi: “Silmapilk ja sõnajada”

Hõimukuu. Soome-ugri mustrimõistatus.
Kontakt: Ello Varjas e-post: typa@typa.ee või tel 56828117

Vähese keeleoskusega täiskasvanutele eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ja praktiseerimiseks loodud haridusprogramm. Eesmärgiks tutvustada Eesti kultuuriruumi. Läbi kuulamise ning lugemisülesannete toetakse algtasemel keeleoskaja püüdlust mõista eesti keelt. Lisaks julgustatakse programmis osalejaid läbi lihtsate tegevuste omavahel suhtlema, innustades jätkama keeleõpet.

Haridusprogrammi rahastatakse: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Haridusprogrammide, sealhulgas lihtsas eesti keeles, loomine kultuuri- ja spordiasutustes“.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/14539?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Eesti Vabaõhumuuseumi haridusprogramm A2+

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Eesti Vabaõhumuuseum Vabaõhumuuseumi tee 12, Tallinn
  • Time: 14.10.2024 kell 17:30 - 20:15
  • Format: Educational program

Programmi nimi: „Eestlaste eluolu pärisorjusest taasiseseisvumiseni“

Sisukirjeldus: Milline oli eestlaste argipäev 200 aastat tagasi ja milline on see täna? Millest tuntakse rõõmu, millesse usutakse, mida tehakse vabal ajal? Viiakse läbi ekskursioon. Arutletakse, kas tänane inimene saaks hakkama külaeluga 200 aastat tagasi.
Kontakt: Einike Sooväli tel 56754309 või e-kiri Einike.Soovali@evm.ee.

Lisainfo: Eesti Vabaõhumuuseumisse saab tulla bussidega 21 ja 21b. Bussid sõidavad välja Balti jaamast. Kesklinnas on peatused VIRU ja VABADUSE VÄLJAK. Bussist tuleb väljuda peatuses ROCCA AL MARE, mis asub kohe muuseumi värava juures. Inimesi oodatakse muuseumi Peakassa ees.
Muuseumist saab kesklinna ja Balti jaama tagasi sõita bussidega 41 ja 41b.

Vähese keeleoskusega täiskasvanutele eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ja praktiseerimiseks loodud haridusprogramm. Eesmärgiks tutvustada Eesti kultuuriruumi. Läbi kuulamise ning lugemisülesannete toetakse algtasemel keeleoskaja püüdlust mõista eesti keelt. Lisaks julgustatakse programmis osalejaid läbi lihtsate tegevuste omavahel suhtlema, innustades jätkama keeleõpet.

Haridusprogrammi rahastatakse: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Haridusprogrammide, sealhulgas lihtsas eesti keeles, loomine kultuuri- ja spordiasutustes“.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/14520?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Eesti Politseimuuseumi haridusprogramm A2+

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: SA Virumaa Muuseumi Eesti Politseimuuseum Tallinna 3, Rakvere
  • Time: 14.10.2024 kell 17:15 - 19:45
  • Format: Educational program

Programmi nimi: „Turvaliselt Eestis“

Sisukirjeldus: Tutvustatakse Eesti politsei toimimist ja seeläbi siinses ühiskonnas kehtivaid väärtuseid. Politseimuuseumi ekspositsioonis ja välialal toimuvate praktiliste ja interaktiivsete tegevuste abil omandavad osalejad lihtsamat sõnavara, mis on seotud siseturvalisusega ja liiklusega. Erinevate tegevuste kaudu õpitakse tundma politseitööd ja ohutu liiklemise põhitõdesid.
Kontakt: Sandra Suviste e-mail: sandra@svm.ee

Vähese keeleoskusega täiskasvanutele eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ja praktiseerimiseks loodud haridusprogramm. Eesmärgiks tutvustada Eesti kultuuriruumi. Läbi kuulamise ning lugemisülesannete toetakse algtasemel keeleoskaja püüdlust mõista eesti keelt. Lisaks julgustatakse programmis osalejaid läbi lihtsate tegevuste omavahel suhtlema, innustades jätkama keeleõpet.

Haridusprogrammi rahastatakse: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Haridusprogrammide, sealhulgas lihtsas eesti keeles, loomine kultuuri- ja spordiasutustes“.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/14470?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Keelematk A2+ (Oru park)

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Alutaguse Matkaklubi Lossipargi, Pühajõe küla, Toila vald, Ida-Viru maakond
  • Time: 24.08.2024 kell 10:00 - 18:00
  • Format: Language Practice

Oru park kuulub kahtlemata, oma mitmekesise maastiku, oskusliku kujunduse ja rikkaliku dendrofloora poolest, Eesti väljapaistvamate parkide hulka.
Park kätkeb endas nii erinevaid tahke – kaunis ja väga eriline maastik, kiirevooluline looklev Pühajõgi, väärikad männimetsad, rikkalikud segametsad. Sinna juurde inimkätega rajatud alleed, looklevad teed, koopad, grotid, paviljonid, basseinid, trepid ja tugimüürid.

Buss võtab rahva peale järgmistest peatustest:
Kell 10.15 Narva Peetri väljak
Kell 10.40 Sillamäe bussijaam
Kell 10.40 Jõhvi parkla Tartu põik (Jõhvi kesklinnas viadukti all).

11.00 Saabumine matka piirkonda
11.00-11.20 Sissejuhatus: tutvumine, päeva tutvustus, õppematerjalide (sh tugisõnade) jagamine ning selgitamine
12.00-13.40 Matk koos pausidega, mis sisaldab vaatluseid, ülesandeid ja temaatilisi mängulisi tegevusi.
13.40-14.10 Lõunapaus. NB! Söögi ja joogi võtavad osalejad ise kaasa.
14.10-15.50 Matk koos pausidega, mis sisaldab vaatluseid, ülesandeid ja temaatilisi mängulisi tegevusi.
15.50-16.15 Kokkuvõtete tegemine

Kontaktisik: Ingrid Kuligina, tel. 5141692, e-post: ingrid@matkaklubi.ee

Keelematkad on suunatud alates A2+ keeletasemega klientidele. Iga keelematka juurde informatiivse teksti lõppu tuleb lisada ka rahastaja kohta info:
Keelematka rahastatakse: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Erinevate kultuuri- ja vaba aja tegevuste pakkumine eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ning praktiseerimiseks“.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/14821?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Keelematk A2+ (Kadrioru park)

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Alutaguse Matkaklubi Kadrioru park
  • Time: 24.08.2024 kell 11:00 - 17:00
  • Format: Language Practice


Keelematka jooksul käsitletavad teemad: park, puud, põõsad ja nende osad (oksad, lehed, tüvi, viljad jne) linnud, maastiku vormid (org, mägi, nõlv jne), rajatised (sillad, pingid, puhkekohad, lossiaed, paviljonid, hooned jne), kultuuripärand ja ajalugu.

11.00 Kogunemine Katharinenthali kohviku juures, A. Weizenbergi 22, Tallinn
11.00-11.20 Sissejuhatus: tutvumine, päeva tutvustus, õppematerjalide (sh tugisõnade) jagamine ning selgitamine
12.00-13.40 Matk koos pausidega, mis sisaldab vaatluseid, ülesandeid ja temaatilisi mängulisi tegevusi.
13.40-14.10 Lõunapaus. NB! Söögi ja joogi võtavad osalejad ise kaasa.
14.10-15.50 Matk koos pausidega, mis sisaldab vaatluseid, ülesandeid ja temaatilisi mängulisi tegevusi.
15.50-16.15 Kokkuvõtete tegemine

Kontaktisik: Margit Salmar, tel. 5149757, e-post: margit.salmar@gmail.com

Keelematka rahastatakse: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Erinevate kultuuri- ja vaba aja tegevuste pakkumine eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ning praktiseerimiseks“.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/14820?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Estonian language courses for Ukrainian refugees

We invite beneficiaries of temporary and international protection to attend free Estonian language courses, which must be completed within the Settle in Estonia adaptation programme. Detailed information about the A1-, A2- and B1-level courses available is provided in a Q&A format below.

You can register for suitable courses on the Settle in Estonia website: REGISTER

If you have any further questions, please contact the consultants of the Integration Foundation via email: info@settleinestonia.ee.


Detailed information about the Estonian language course for Ukrainian refugees


Which Estonian language courses do Ukrainian refugees have to take?

Ukrainian refugees will have to complete the Estonian language courses provided by the Integration Foundation within the Settle in Estonia adaptation programme for beneficiariesipients of temporary or international protection. There are the courses for beginners – A1 level – as well as for the following A2 and B1 levels. You can take the courses free of charge online or in larger Estonian towns in the morning, afternoon, or evening.

The purpose of learning Estonian is to make it as easy as possible for you to settle in Estonia. It is also necessary for obtaining a residence permit in Estonia.


Which courses can Ukrainian refugees register for in 2024?

As at 12 August 2024, beneficiaries of temporary and international protection can register for Estonian language courses, which can be attended online or in larger Estonian towns starting in August, September, or October of this year.

There are about 1600 available seats for beneficiaries of temporary protection: for A1-level – about 1000 seats, for A2 – 200, and for B1 – about 400 available seats. You should register for these courses as soon as possible, as registration for study groups closes when the maximum number of students is reached, and new groups are not being planned this year.

There are now about 200 seats available for beneficiaries of international protection: for A2-level – about 160, and for B1 – about 40 seats. This autumn, there will be about 1800 seats added for A1 level beginner courses.

You can register for a suitable course on the Settle in Estonia website: REGISTER. You can log into the website via Mobiil-ID, Smart-ID or ID-card.

Then, on your personal account, you will see your data and the courses available to you and can pick and register for a course that suits you.


When and how can I take the available language courses?

As at 12 August 2024, beneficiaries of temporary protection can register for A1-, A2-, and B1-level Estonian language courses and beneficiaries of international protection for A2- and B1-level courses.

All available courses will start in August, September, or October of this year. They will take place online and in larger Estonian towns in the morning, daytime, or evening. The courses are taught by language school teachers selected by the Integration Foundation through a public procurement procedure.

The Estonian language course for beginners (A1 level) lasts approximately four months, A2-level – six months, and B1 – eight months. To successfully complete the courses and obtain the corresponding certificate, you will need to attend language lessons and take a test at the end of the course.

Detailed information (time and place of studies, the name of the language school, etc.) is available on the Settle in Estonia website: LOGIN. You can log into the website via Mobiil-ID, Smart-ID, or ID-card. On your personal account, you will see your data and the courses available to you and can pick and register for a course that suits you.


What should I do before the language course registration?

We recommend that you first visit the Settle in Estonia website to view the available courses: LOGIN. You can log into the website via Mobiil-ID, Smart-ID, or ID-card. On your personal account, you will see your data and the courses available to you and can pick and register for a course that suits you.

We recommend that you carefully consider which language course is suitable for you. On the one hand, you need to assess your language level to choose the relevant course. You can start learning from A1 level, then continue with A2, and finish with B1 within the Settle in Estonia programme. On the other hand, you need to consider how the time and place of studies would be compatible with your personal life. For example, for online courses you will have to allocate the exact time on exact days and some time for home tasks between sessions and have the possibility to use Zoom.


How to register for available courses?

Beneficiaries of temporary and international protection can register for available courses on the Settle in Estonia website: REGISTER. You can log into the website via Mobiil-ID, Smart-ID, or ID-card. Then, on your personal account, you will see your data and the courses available to you and can pick and register for a course that suits you.


What to do if there are no available courses on my personal account?

If you are interested in A1-level courses but there are none available on your personal account, you should report this via email: info@settleinestonia.ee.

If you are interested in A2- or B1-level courses but there are none available on your personal account, send your language certificates (A1- or A1- and A2-level accordingly) via email: info@settleinestonia.ee.

In both cases, please note that the lack of suitable courses may also be due to the fact that the study groups for the courses of interest are already full. That is why we recommend that you register as soon as possible.

Check your data and register for a course on the Settle in Estonia website: LOGIN. You can log into the website via Mobiil-ID, Smart-ID, or ID-card. Then, on your personal account, you will see your data and the courses available to you.


What confirms my enrolment in a language course?

If the registration is successful, you will see the confirmation on your personal account on the Settle in Estonia website. A week before the start of the course, a teacher sends an email with information about the course (place of studies, link to the online class, etc.) To get this email, double-check your email while registering.


Do I have to pass the exam after the language course?

It is not obligatory to take a language exam after the course. At the end of the course, there is a test to assess your progress. Based on the test results and attendance, a certificate of completion is issued. This certificate can be used as proof of Estonian language proficiency, including when extending the residence permit.


What else does Estonia provide to refugees within the framework of the Settle in Estonia adaptation programme?

The Settle in Estonia Programme is a free educational programme provided by the Estonian state which is intended to help the foreigners who have arrived in Estonia to adapt and become accustomed to local life more easily.

The programme, which comprises various training courses, gives an overview of how the state of Estonia and its society function and how daily life is organised, as well answers to FAQ, and knowledge of the Estonian language. The conditions of participation in the courses (study modules, obligations, etc.) depend on the legal status of the person in Estonia: temporary protection, international protection, or ordinary arrival.

Beneficiaries of temporary protection should take:

  • basic module: the general information about the Estonian state and society (up to eight academic hours);
  • language learning module: Estonian language courses for A1 level (100 academic hours), A2 (150 academic hours) or B1 (250 academic hours).

Beneficiaries of international protection should take:

  • basic module: the general information about the Estonian state and society (up to eight or 32 academic hours);
  • language learning module: Estonian language courses for A1 level (100 academic hours), A2 (150 academic hours) or B1 (250 academic hours).


Who should I contact and how if I have questions about Estonian language learning or the Settle in Estonia adaptation programme?

General information about the Settle in Estonia adaptation programme is available on the Integration Foundation website: https://integratsioon.ee/en/kohanemine. Up-to-date information on courses and other aspects of settling in Estonia is available on the Facebook account of the programme: https://www.facebook.com/settleinestonia. If you have any questions, please contact the consultants of the Integration Foundation via email: info@settleinestonia.ee.
