Huvialaring “Looduse lood”

  • Language level required: B1
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Tallinn, Ehitajate tee 150, loodushariduse osakond. Kogunemine on LÄÄNEVÄRAVAS.
  • Time: 24.09.2024 kell 17:30 - 19:00
  • Format: Workshop

Ürituse sisu: Loomad ja nende käitumine. Õpime tundma erinevaid elupaiku ja nende elanikke. Vestlusring loomade eluviisist.

Täpsem info registreerunutele.

Üritustel osalejad saavad arendada kuulamis- ja rääkimisoskust ning omandada praktilisi teadmisi.


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Narva Muuseumi haridusprogramm A2+

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Sihtasutus Narva Muuseum Vestervalli 21
  • Time: 23.11.2024 kell 11:00 - 13:15
  • Format: Educational program

Programmi nimi: „Narva arhitektuuripärand“

Sisukirjeldus: Programmi viiakse läbi püsinäitusel „Vana Narva makett“. Uurides linna maketti, avaneb külastajatele võimalus sukelduda sõjaeelse linna atmosfääri, avastada linna arhitektuurilise eripära ning tutvuda mitmete erinevate arhitektuurisuundadega. Programmi käigus tõmmatakse paralleele Narva tänapäevase ilmega, räägitakse muutustest linnakodanike elus, olenevalt linna arengutingimustest.
Osalejaid oodatakse Narva Kunstigaleriis aadressil Vestervalli 21.

Kontakt: või tel 3599230.

Vähese keeleoskusega täiskasvanutele eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ja praktiseerimiseks loodud haridusprogramm, eesmärgiks tutvustada Eesti kultuuriruumi. Läbi kuulamise ning lugemisülesannete toetakse algtasemel keeleoskaja püüdlust mõista eesti keelt. Lisaks julgustatakse programmis osalejaid läbi lihtsate tegevuste omavahel suhtlema, innustades jätkama keeleõpet.

Haridusprogrammi rahastatakse: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Haridusprogrammide, sealhulgas lihtsas eesti keeles, loomine kultuuri- ja spordiasutustes“.


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Okupatsioonide ja vabaduse muuseum Vabamu ning KGB vangikongid haridusprogramm A2+ - GROUP FULL

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Kistler-Ritso Eesti SA Toompea 8b
  • Time: 23.11.2024 kell 10:00 - 15:00
  • Format: Educational program

Programmi nimi: “Lühivaade Eesti lähiajalukku: vabadus ja vastutus”

Arutletakse Eesti ajaloo keerdkäikude kaudu üksikisiku rolli üle ühiskonnas. Vaatame, milliste valikute ette panevad sõjad ja ühiskondlikud muutused inimesed, kuidas jääda iseendaks keerulistes olukordades, kuidas võidelda ebaõigluse vastu ning kui suur võib olla kodanikualgatuse ja -julguse mõju. Tutvume mälestuste ja isiklike lugude kaudu eestimaalaste elukäikudega, külastades Vabamu ja KGB vangikongide püsinäitust.

Lisainfo Aive Peil: või tel 56699700.

Vähese keeleoskusega täiskasvanutele eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ja praktiseerimiseks loodud haridusprogramm, eesmärgiks tutvustada Eesti kultuuriruumi. Läbi kuulamise ning lugemisülesannete toetakse algtasemel keeleoskaja püüdlust mõista eesti keelt. Lisaks julgustatakse programmis osalejaid läbi lihtsate tegevuste omavahel suhtlema, innustades jätkama keeleõpet.

Haridusprogrammi rahastatakse: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Haridusprogrammide, sealhulgas lihtsas eesti keeles, loomine kultuuri- ja spordiasutustes“.


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Nominations for the Integration Awards are open until 2 October

The Integration Foundation, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, is looking for proposals on who among Estonian people and organisations should be awarded for their activities promoting integration. Candidates can be submitted in five categories until 2 October 2024.

This year, the Integration Foundation and the Ministry of Culture will be giving awards to people and organisations that are developing integration for the 25th time. Integration awards are given in five categories:

Building Integration– raising awareness of the cultural diversity of Estonia and the targeted long-term activities to promote integration;

Bridgebuilder of the Year – implementation of cooperation projects aimed at residents whose first language is not Estonian;

Spark of the Year – outstanding activities of a person or organisation in the field of integration;

Messenger of the Year – shaping attitudes supporting integration through the media;

Special Award for the Cultural Diversity Year – raising awareness of as well as valuing and promoting the cultural diversity of Estonia in the framework of the Cultural Diversity Year.

Individuals or organisations can be nominated for activities carried out between 1 September 2023 and 31 December 2024. There is no time limit for the Building Integration Award. The competition is not open to self-nominations or nominations from candidates who have received an integration award in the last three years.

This year’s winners will be awarded by Minister of Culture Heidy Purga at a ceremony on 10 December 2024 in Tallinn. The best among all candidates will be selected by a panel of experts in the field. Each of the award winners will receive a €1,000 prize.

Candidates for the Integration Awards can be submitted until 2 October 2024. You can find the application and all the other information at this link.


Winners of the 2021–2023 Integration Awards

Building Blocks of Integration: 2023 – Pavel Ivanov, 2022 – Jelena Skulskaja and Marju Lauristin, 2021 – Not awarded

Bridgebuilder of the Year: 2023 – Maria Sakarias, 2022 – Helen Sildna, 2021 – MTÜ Eesti Instituut

Spark of the Year: 2023 – Kirill Badikin, 2022 – Ukrainian School of the Tallinn Lilleküla Gymnasium, 2021 – Estonian women’s épée team, 2021 MTÜ Sofiit Klubi

Messenger of the Year: 2023 – editorial staff of Raadio 4, 2022 – Public Relations Department of the Estonian National Museum, 2021 – Tiina Pärtel


Same information at social media

Please find the according post on Facebook at this link


Tammsaare Park hosts an exhibition of bold people


Tammsaare Park hosts an exhibition of bold people

On 20 September, the Estonian History Museum opened the exhibition ‘Me, an Estonian! An Exhibition about Bold People’ in Tammsaare Park. The exhibition was created in cooperation with the Integration Foundation within the framework of the Cultural Diversity Year.

106 years ago, the founding text of the Estonian state, the Declaration of Independence, stipulated that in addition to Estonians, others must also be able to lead a good life in this country.

The concept of being Estonian has also changed since then. It is no longer solely defined by birth or ancestral roots going back centuries.

After restoring its independence, Estonia has been free for over 30 years. This freedom has opened up the world to us and us to the world. Estonia remains a nation state, but its people speak more than 200 native languages. The exhibition features thoughts from eight people whose roots are far away, but who have settled here for different reasons and consider Estonia their home. Let these thoughts be an encouragement and an opportunity for discovery and self-reflection for all. A person is still a person.

Jaanus Rohumaa, head of the Estonian History Museum: ‘I am very pleased that in cooperation with the Integration Foundation, we can introduce our new compatriots with their fascinating fates to a wider audience. I would like to thank all the participants in the project who trusted the Estonian History Museum to be the vehicle for their stories.’

The Cultural Diversity Year is a theme year that takes place under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and the Integration Foundation. Its goal is to celebrate the cultural diversity of the communities of Estonians and other peoples living here.

Dmitri Moskovtsev, Director of the Integration Foundation: ‘Estonia is and has always been home to people of different nationalities who contribute to the development of Estonia. In the Cultural Diversity Year, we notice, value, and preserve the diverse cultural space of Estonia, which we create together with different communities and peoples.’

Estonia is a home to representatives of 216 nationalities. Many Estonian communities live side by side with Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Finns, Latvians, Germans, Lithuanians, Tatars, Jews, and numerous others. 

The complete video stories can be viewed at the exhibition ‘Me, an Estonian! An Exhibition about Bold People’, open in the Maarjamäe Stables of the Estonian History Museum.

Curator: Krista Sarv

Graphic design: Kätlin Tischler-Süld

Photos: Vahur Lõhmus

Project manager: Herke Kukk

Cultural diversity highlighted by the Cultural Diversity year team and Statistics Estonia. 

Gallery: A cultural exhibition opened in Tammsaare Park


We are all the face of Estonia: For Tatyana Nizhnik Estonia is temporary home that turned out to be permanent – now, for already 50 years

Oma näoga Eesti


In 1974, Tatyana Nizhnik (on the picture first from left) came to Estonia to support her sister, who was in a complicated personal situation. What was planned as a non-permanent stay became living in a new land for half a century. Having embraced Estonian culture, Tatyana remains faithful to her Belorussian roots. The Old Town of Tallinn with its rich history and unique beauty always seemed to her particularly fascinating. Today, she is actively sharing the treasures of her culture with the local community.

My name is Tatyana Nizhnik. I moved to Estonia on 3 September 1974 and have been living here for almost 50 years. Initially, I came to support my sister, who then needed help, but I ended up staying in Estonia and have been working as a chief accountant for a long time. Already for 27 years, I have been managing the Belorussian Cultural Society. My responsibilities include the organisation of cultural events and participation in various performances with my ensemble Ljanok (on the picture). 

Our society actively participates in the cultural life of Estonia, performing in Tartu, Rakvere, Narva, Sillamäe, and Tallinn. My job is the organisation of events and signing Belorussian folk songs, which helps me stay connected with my home culture and share it with Estonian society. I am very enthusiastic about the popularisation of Belorussian traditions and holidays in Estonia, as I consider it a contribution to the cultural diversity of the country.


Please describe how you see our Estonia.

To me, Estonia is a beautiful green country with many marshes, forests, islands, and blue lakes. It is a lovely and tranquil land with a rich nature.


What do you like in Estonia?

I like the tranquillity and the green nature of Estonia. There are no big cities but only cozy towns and villages. The nature reminds me of Belarus a lot, which is very pleasant.


What surprises you in Estonia?

I am surprised by people’s calmness and self-restraint. When I just came, I was especially impressed by the beauty of the Old Town – none of such architecture has survived in Belarus.


What do you find unexpected or unusual in Estonia?

To me, it was unexpected how private and reserved people here were compared to Belarus. In Belarus, life is much more emotional and open, whereas here, people often hide their feelings and worries deep inside.


What aspects of your culture could be implemented in Estonia?

I would like to introduce our folk holidays and events, such as Dozhinki or the harvest festival, to people here. It would help children and youth to better understand rural life and learn how to enjoy simple things.


What do you miss most in Estonia? / What is lacking in Estonia?

I miss being surrounded by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. I miss the mutual understanding and warmth that I got used to in Belarus. I wish we had more parties and festivals and live communication in Estonia.


How does your stay here enrich the life in Estonia?

I think I contribute to life in Estonia by enhancing its cultural diversity. The exchange of traditions and habits between nations helps better understand and value different cultures.


What Estonian habits have you adopted for yourself?

I adopted the habit of being more reserved and quiet. In Estonia, I learned how to hide my emotions; it was not easy but proved to be a useful skill.


What is your favourite Estonian food?

My favourite Estonian food is bread soup. I was amazed when I learned of it and I liked it a lot. The most delicious is bread soup with whipped cream.


What is your favourite Esonian song?

I grew up listening to old songs of Tõnis Mägi and Georg Ots.


How could you describe Estonians?

Estonians are private, reserved, and well-balanced people. They often keep their emotions deep inside, which distinguishes them from more open and emotional people of other countries.


Tartu Ülikooli muuseumi haridusprogramm A2+

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Tartu Ülikooli muuseum Ülikooli 18, Tartu
  • Time: 20.11.2024 kell 17:30 - 19:45
  • Format: Educational program

Haridusprogramm: „Tee teadmisteni Eesti kultuurist ja pärandist rahvusvahelises rahvusülikoolis“ A2+

Sisututvustus: Tehakse ekskursioon Tartu Ülikooli kunstimuuseumis, mis asub ülikooli peahoone vasakus tiivas (Ülikooli 18, Tartu). Räägitakse hariduse tähtsusest. Esile tuuakse miks on haridus ja teadus olnud Eestis oluline ning kuidas kujundanud tänast Eesti ühiskonda ja väärtushinnanguid. Tutvustatakse minevikku, mis läbi elulähedaste näidete seotakse tänapäevaga. Osalejad saavad lahendada töölehti ja harjutada läbi erinevate ülesannete eesti keelt.

Lisainfo:, tel 52 96113

Vähese keeleoskusega täiskasvanutele eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ja praktiseerimiseks loodud haridusprogramm. Eesmärgiks tutvustada Eesti kultuuriruumi. Läbi kuulamise ning lugemisülesannete toetakse algtasemel keeleoskaja püüdlust mõista eesti keelt. Lisaks julgustatakse programmis osalejaid läbi lihtsate tegevuste omavahel suhtlema, innustades jätkama keeleõpet.

Haridusprogrammi rahastatakse: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Haridusprogrammide, sealhulgas lihtsas eesti keeles, loomine kultuuri- ja spordiasutustes“.


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Uus Eesti kino B1 (Narva)

  • Language level required: B1
  • Location: Narva eesti keele maja Linda 2
  • Time: 02.10.2024 kell 18:00 - 19:30
  • Format: Language Practice

Uus Eesti kino on igakuine filmiõhtute sari, kus fookuses on eesti filmi kõige värskemad pärlid.
Filmiõhtute eesmärk on tutvustada kaasaegset eesti filmi ning arendada kuulamis-, lugemis-, ja arutlemisoskust. Filmile eelneb ja järgneb vabas vormis vestlus, kus osalejad saavad oma mõtteid jagada. Samuti arutatakse eelnevalt koos läbi filmis esinevad keerulisemad (sh kõnekeelsed) väljendid ning avatakse filmi tagamaad. Igaks korraks on ette valmistatud ka info- või tööleht.
02. oktoobril avame hooaja hoopis ühe filmiga Eestis toimuvalt rahvusvaheliselt Matsalu Loodusfilmide Festivalilt MAFF. Filmi "Vanemad looduses - Pulmamängud ja poegimine " režissöörid on
Annette Scheurich ja Moritz Mayerle.
Film on inglise keeles eesti subtitritega.
Film uurib imetajate, putukate ja lindude mitmekülgseid paaritumis- ja pesitsusrituaale, tutvustades armastust metsikus looduses. Suurejoonelised kaadrid tutvustavad oravate, hallhülgepoja ning lendrebase sündi, kes peab tagurpidi maailmas gravitatsiooniga võitlema.


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Friday in Library B1 (Paldiski)

  • Language level required: B1
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Rae 38, Paldiski linn, raamatukogu
  • Time: 27.09.2024 kell 16:00 - 17:30
  • Format: Language Practice

Friday in Library is a social club which brings together people from different cultural backgrounds who want to practice Estonian in a pleasant and welcoming setting.

The club is a place to get acquainted with one another, have conversations with the help of various forms of communication, play fun team games, and exchange information.

The Friday in Library events are meant for those who are still learning Estonian and who want to practice it in a playful manner.


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

The blue, black, and white flag will fly on the Day of Nationalities

The team of the Cultural Diversity Year invites you to celebrate the Day of Nationalities in Estonia. Let us hoist the Estonian flag and dress in folk costumes or add national elements to our outfits. This way, we show that together, we are Estonia. 

This holiday, celebrated on 24 September, is dedicated to the communities of Estonians and other nationalities living in Estonia. This year, as part of the Cultural Diversity Year, we all have the opportunity to celebrate the Day of Nationalities in a bigger way than before – by hoisting the blue, black, and white flag in our homes, offices, or elsewhere, dressing up in folk costumes or adding national elements to our outfits, and taking part in different events in each county. The programme of the Day of Nationalities includes both traditional events and brand new initiatives in each county, where you can experience the culture of both Estonian and other ethnic communities free of charge.

The comprehensive programme  from 14 September until 30 September for celebrating the Day of Nationalities was prepared in cooperation with the Estonian Union of National Minorities, the Estonian Folk Culture Centre, The Association of Estonian Cultural Societies, Tallinn Culture & Sports Department, Ida-Virumaa Integration Center and the cultural associations of various nationalities.

The programme of the Day of Nationalities is available on the website


  • The Cultural Diversity Year is a theme year that takes place under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and the Integration Foundation. Its goal is to celebrate the cultural diversity of the communities of Estonians and other peoples living here.
  • The Estonian Union of National Minorities continues the work of the I Forum on Nationalities, which took place on 24 September, 1988 and supported the restoration of Estonia's independence. At the proposal of the association, Paul-Eerik Rummo, the Minister of Population at the time, declared September 24 as the Day of Nationalities.